Tally TDL to Deactivate Wrong Ledger and Stock Items

2023 Best Free Tally TDL to Deactivate Wrong Ledger and Stock Items

Tally TDL to Deactivate Wrong Ledger and Stock Items can save your wrong entry possibility.

In accounting, accuracy is paramount. Mistakes in ledger and stock entries can have significant financial implications. Fortunately, Tally, the trusted accounting software, offers a powerful solution from TDL files. In this the “Deactivate Wrong Ledger and Stock Items” TDL (Tally Definition Language) will help a lot.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of this TDL and how it can safeguard your financial records from costly errors.

Tally TDL to Deactivate Wrong Ledger and Stock Items:

Tally TDL to Deactivate Wrong Ledger and Stock Items is a custom TDL file designed to add an extra layer of protection to your Tally data by deactivating facility of wrong ledgers and items. With this we can deactivate unused, duplicates, wrong Ledgers and Stock Items.

Also checkout Voucher Modification TDL to add own header in TallyPrime 3.0 Voucher

Tally TDL to Deactivate Wrong Ledger and Stock Items

Deactivate Duplicate Ledger and Stock Items TDL code:

Accidental entries of incorrect ledgers or stock items can be prevented, safeguarding Vouchers and your financial records.

[#Line: MSTKI BalanceTitles]
Use:name field
Set as:"Deactivate Item?"
[#Line: MSTKI BodyA]
Add:Field:After:MST Parent:Deactivate
Use : Logical Field
Storage :LearnWellDeactivateItem
Set As : Yes
Set Always : Yes


USEDStockitem:Not $LearnWellDeactivateItem

[#Collection: Vch Stock Item Extract]
Filter :usedstockitem

[#Line: MLED Titles]
Add:Field:after:Multi Master Name Title:DeactivateLDTitle
Use:name field
Set as:"Deactivate Ledger?"
[#Line: MLED Body]
Add:Field:After:Multi MST Name:DeactivateLD
Use : Logical Field
Storage :LearnWellDeactivateLedger
Set As : Yes
Set Always : Yes


UsedLedger:Not $LearnWellDeactivateLedger

[#Collection: Party Ledgers]

Deactivate Duplicate Ledger and Stock Items TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • Goto Chart of Accounts and Multi Alter
  • Here you can enable disable ledgers and stock items.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Tally TDL to Deactivate Wrong Ledger and Stock Items Video:

See the below video to learn how to TDL and Multi Alter option in Tally Prime 3.0:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to add own details in Tally TDL
  • How to create TDL file.
  • How to Deactivate Duplicate Ledgers and Stock items
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on https://e2t.in/
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\Duplicate.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Deactivate Duplicate Ledger and Stock Items TDL for Tally Prime is ready to use.

By implementing this Tally Prime TDL, businesses can take a proactive approach to safeguarding their vouchers to select wrong ledgers and stock items. Embrace this powerful TDL file and experience the transformative impact it can have on your accounting practices with Tally.

Own Voucher Header Tally Prime 3.0 TDL

Amazing Own Voucher Header Tally Prime 3.0 TDL | Voucher Modification TDL for Tally Prime 3.0

With this Own Voucher Header Tally Prime 3.0 TDL we can modify voucher as per our need.

Tally Prime 3.0, is the latest version of Tally Software, offers customization options with the help of TDL. Own Voucher Header TDL allows businesses to brand their vouchers with a unique header.

In this blog post, we’ll see this Voucher Modification TDL and how it can add a professional touch to your Tally Prime 3.0 experience.

Own Voucher Header Tally Prime 3.0 TDL:

With this Tally Prime 3.0 TDL we can add image or own texts in voucher heading. We can add Voucher Name, God prayer, or any other image asper requirement.

Also checkout daily task reminder tdl

Own Voucher Header Tally Prime 3.0 TDL

Own Voucher Header Tally Prime 3.0 TDL Code:

Use the voucher header to convey specific messages, promotions, reminders, or announcements.

[#Part:VCH Registration]
	Add:Part:Before:VCH Registration Details:OmNamah
;Graph Type:"C:\Users\ssonu\Downloads\omnamah.jpg"

Set as:"Om Namah Shivay                 : "

Font:"Eras Bold ITC"

Voucher Modification TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • Change message in TDL file .
  • Also can add image (watch the video for more understanding).

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Voucher Modification TDL for Tally Prime Video:

See the below video to learn how to add message and image in Tally Prime 3.0:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to add message and Image in Tally Prime 3.0 Voucher.
  • How to create TDL file.
  • How to add own fields in Tally Prime 3.0.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on https://e2t.in/
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\Voucher.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Voucher Modification TDL for Tally Prime is ready to use.

By using this invaluable Tally Prime TDL, businesses can elevate their brand identity in their financial communications. Embrace this powerful TDL and experience the impactful difference it can make in your Tally Prime 3.0 experience.

Item Sales Summary TDL

Tally Prime 3.0 Free TDL : Item Sales Summary | Item Sales Summary TDL

This Item Sales Summary TDL will help you a lot to see Items summary with there GST details, HSN, Quantity, Average Rates, Closing etc.

Tally Prime 3.0, the latest iteration of the Tally Business software, brings a host of powerful features to streamline business operations. One standout addition is the Item Sales Summary TDL – a free Tally Prime TDL File that empowers users to gain deeper insights into their sales performance.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of this Item Sales Summary TDL and how it can revolutionize your Tally Prime experience.

Item Sales Summary TDL:

The Item Sales Summary TDL is a custom Tally TDL file designed specifically for Tally Prime 3.0 users. It provides a comprehensive overview of item-wise sales, enabling businesses to make informed decisions based on detailed sales data.

Item Sales Summary TDL

Item Sales Summary TDL Code:

The TDL seamlessly integrates with Tally Prime 3.0, ensuring a smooth transition into your existing workflow.

Also checkout Daily Auto Reminder TDL with Image

[#Menu : Gateway of Tally]
Item : Item Sales Summary : Display :LearnwellItemSumm
[Report :LearnwellItemSumm]
Form :LearnwellItemSumm
Variable : SVFromDate,SVToDate
Set : SVFromDate : $$MonthStart:##SVFromdate
Set : SVToDate : $$MonthEnd:##SVFromdate
[Form :LearnwellItemSumm]
Part : LWSummTitle,LWSummItemTitle,LWSummItemDetail
Button : Change Period,Print Button,Export Button
Bottom Part : LWSummItemDetailBTM
Background :White
[Part : LWSummTitle]
Line :LWSummTitle
[Line :LWSummTitle]
Field : Simple Field
Local : Field : Simple Field : Set As : "Item Sales Summary for" + $$String:##SVFromDate +" to " + $$String:##SVToDate
Local : Field : Simple Field : Style : Normal Bold
[Part : LWSummItemTitle]
Use : LWSummItemDetail
Delete : Repeat
Delete : Scroll
Border : ColumnTitles
Local : Field : Default : Type : string
Local : Field : LWSummItemDetailItem : Set As : "Particulars"
Local : Field : LWHsn : Set As : "HSN Code"
Local : Field : LWGstperc : Set As : "GST Rate"
Local : Field : LWQtyTTl: Set As : "Sales Qty"
Local : Field : LWItmRate : Set As : "Avg. Rate"
Local : Field : LWAmtTTl : Set As : "Sales Value"
Local :Field : Default : Style : Small Bold
[Part :LWSummItemDetail]
Line : LWSummItemDetail
Repeat : LWSummItemDetail :LWCollSalesItems
Scroll : Vertical
Total : LWQtyTTl,LWAmtTTl
[Line :LWSummItemDetail]
Field : LWSummItemDetailItem,LWHsn,LWGstperc
Right Field : LWQtyTTl,LWItmRate,LWAmtTTl
Border : Thin bottom
[Field : LWSummItemDetailItem]
Set As : $Stockitem
Style : Small
Display : Item Monthly Summary
Variable : StockitemName
[Field : LWHsn]
Use: Name Field
Set as:$(Stockitem,$stockitem).GstDetails[Last].hsncode
Align: Center
Set Always: Yes
Skip: Yes
[Field : LWGstperc]
Use: Number Field
Set as:$(Stockitem,$stockitem).GSTDetails[First].StatewiseDetails[1, @@IsAnyState].RateDetails[1, @@IsIGST].GSTRate
Format: Percentage
Align: Center
Set Always: Yes
Skip: Yes
[Field : LWQtyTTl]
Use : Qty Primary Field
Style : Small
Set As : $BilledQtyToT
[Field : LWItmRate]
Use : Rate Price Field
Set as : $AmountToT / $BilledQtyToT
Style : Small
[Field : LWAmtTTl]
Use : Amount Field
Set As : $AmountToT
Style : Small
[Part : LWSummItemDetailBTM]
Use : LWSummItemDetail
Delete : Repeat
Delete : Scroll
Delete : Total
Border : Totals
Local : Field : LWSummItemDetailItem : Set As : "Total"
Local : Field : LWQtyTTl: Set As : $$Total:LWQtyTTl
Local : Field : LWAmtTTl : Set As : $$Total:LWAmtTTl
Local :Field : Default : Style : Small Bold
[Collection : LearnwellItemSummcoll]
Type : Vouchers : VoucherType
Child of : $$VchTypeSales
Belongs to : yes
Fetch : Date,Inventory Entries
[Collection : LWCollSalesItems]
Source Collection : LearnwellItemSummcoll
Walk : Inventory Entries
By : Stockitem : $StockitemName
Aggr Compute : BilledQtyToT : Sum : $BilledQty
Aggr Compute : AmountToT : Sum : $Amount

Item Sales Summary TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • Go to Tally Main Screen and in Gateway of Tally find Item Sales Summary Tab .
  • From item Sales Summary Tab you can see Item summary with there GST details.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Item Sales Summary TDL Video:

See the below video to learn how to use Item sales summary TDL in Tally Prime 3.0:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to see item wise sales summary report.
  • How to use item sales summary tdl in tally prime 3.0
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on https://e2t.in/
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\salesummary.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your item sales summary TDL for Tally Prime is ready to use.

The Item Sales Summary TDL for Tally Prime 3.0 is a game-changer for businesses seeking to gain a deeper understanding of their sales performance. Its ability to provide detailed item-wise sales data not only facilitates informed decision-making but also enhances inventory management strategies.

Daily Auto Reminder TDL

2023 Amazing Daily Auto Reminder TDL for Tally Prime | Daily Auto Popup TDL

Here is best free Amazing Daily Auto Reminder TDL for Tally Prime , that can show messages with Auto Popup when opening Tally. Daily Auto Reminder TDL is a powerful TDL file that automates your reminder process, ensuring important tasks are never overlooked. And also will help in daily pray with the image of your god, while start working.

The Daily Auto Popup TDL for Tally Prime will be game-changer for accountants who seeking to elevate their task management processes.

Daily Auto Reminder TDL:

The Daily Auto Reminder TDL is designed to optimize task management within Tally Prime. It empowers users by automating the process of setting reminders for daily tasks, reducing the risk of oversight and improving overall productivity. And also can add images with this Daily Auto Popup TDL.

Daily Auto Reminder TDL

Daily Auto Reminder TDL Code:

No more missed deadlines or overlooked tasks. The Daily Auto Reminder TDL acts as your virtual assistant, keeping you on track.

Also checkout recyclebin TDL for Tally Prime

[System : Event]
Auto Refresh : TIMER : TRUE : Display : LearnWellTodoList
Schedule Refresh : Load Company : TRUE : START TIMER : Auto Refresh : 60

[#Menu:Gateway of Tally]
Add: ToolBar Button:Before:Import Button:LearnwellToDo
[Button : LearnwellToDo]
Title : $$LocaleString:"ToDo"
Key : Ctrl + T
Action : Alter : LearnWellTodoList
    Form 	   	:LWTodo
	Object		: Company
	Parts       : LWtodoHeading,LWtodoTitle, LWtodoDetails
	Background  : Light Lily Yellow
	Width : 70 % Page
	Height : 70 % Page
	Vertical Align : Center
	Horizontal Align : Center
	Field: Name Field
	Local: Field : Name Field : Set as : "www.learnwells.com-ToDo List"
	Local: Field : Name Field : Style : Large Bold
	Local: Field : Name Field : Align : Center
	Local: Field : Name Field : Full Width : Yes
	Local: Field : Name Field : Color : Blue
	Local: Field : Name Field : Inactive : $$InExportMode
	Local: Field : Name Field : Skip : Yes
	Space Bottom : 0.25 cm
[Part: LWtodoTitle]
	Lines  	 	: LWtodoTitle
	Border  	: Column Titles
    [Line: LWtodoTitle]
        Use     : LWtodoDetails
	    Local   : Field : Default                   : Style : Small Bold
	    Local   : Field : Default                   : Skip  : Yes
	    Local   : Field : Default                   : Type  : String
		Local   : Field : Default                   : Delete: Storage
		Local   : Field : Default                   : Lines : 2
		Local   : Field : LWtodowork                : Set as: "ToDo/Works"
		Local   : Field : LWstrdt	     		    : Set as: "Start Date"
		Local   : Field : LWstrdt2	     		    : Set as: "End Date"
		Local   : Field : LWtodoremark	            : Set as: "Remark"
		Local   : Field : Default                   : Delete: Inactive
[Part: LWtodoDetails]
	Line        : LWtodoDetails
	Repeat      : LWtodoDetails : LWtodoDetails
	Scroll      : Vertical
	CommonBorder: Yes
	BreakOn     : $$IsEmpty:$LWwork
    [Line: LWtodoDetails]
		Field       : LWtodowork
		Right Field : LWstrdt, LWstrdt2,LWtodoremark
		Local       : Field : Default   : Style : Small Bold
	    [Field: LWtodowork]
			Use     : Name Field 
			Storage : LWwork
			Border  : Thin Left
			Width	:80
	    [Field: LWstrdt]
			Use 	: Short Date Field
			Storage : startdate
			Border  : Thin Left
			InActive: $VCurrentlyInService or $$IsEmpty:$LWwork
	    [Field : LWstrdt2]
			Use     : Short Date Field
			Storage : enddate
			Border  : Thin Left
			Inactive: $VCurrentlyInService or $$IsEmpty:$LWwork
		[Field : LWtodoremark]
			Use     : name Field
			Storage : remarks
			Border  : Thin Left
			Inactive: $VCurrentlyInService or $$IsEmpty:$LWwork

[System: UDF]
	LWtodoDetails			:Aggregate	: 3676
	LWwork			    	: String    : 3675
	startdate		    	: Date      : 3673
	enddate			    	: Date      : 3672
	remarks					:String		: 3674
[Collection: LWtodoDetails]  
	Type 	: LWtodoDetails : Company
	Childof : ##SVCurrentCompany
	Format 	: $LWwork, 50
	Title 	: "Learnwell ToDo"

;; www.Learnwells.com

Daily Auto Popup TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • It will remind after some time (time can set in TDL code) .
  • Add your reminder task and images (watch the video for more understanding).

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Daily Auto Popup TDL for Tally Prime Video:

See the below video to learn how to add reminder tasks and how to add image in Tally Prime:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to add reminder tasks in Tally.
  • How to add Image in reminder task.
  • How to set timer in tdl to see reminder.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on https://e2t.in/
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\reminder.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Daily Reminder TDL for Tally Prime is ready to use.

By implementing this Tally Prime TDL, businesses can unlock a new level of efficiency and productivity in their daily operations. Embrace this powerful tool and experience the transformative impact it can have on your Tally Prime experience.

Recyclebin for Tally Prime

2023 Free Must Have Tally TDL – Recyclebin for Tally Prime

Recyclebin for Tally Prime is a game-changing Tally TDL that provides a safety net for your critical data. This is the must have Tally TDL file for your Tally. With this we can add recyclebin in our Tally and use as Recycle Bin.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of this must-have TDL for Tally Prime and how it can revolutionize your Tally data safety.

Recyclebin for Tally Prime:

If you’re a Tally user, you know how frustrating it can be when you accidentally delete an important voucher or transaction. But with Recyclebin TDL for Tally Prime, you never have to worry about losing your data again.

This Tally TDL automatically save deleted entries in recycle bin in your TallyPrime software. So whenever you delete a voucher or transaction, it goes straight to the recycle bin instead of being permanently deleted. Recyclebin for Tally Prime also allows you to restore deleted vouchers or transactions with just a few clicks.

Recyclebin for Tally Prime TDL code:

It acts as a buffer, preventing accidental deletions from becoming irreversible mistakes. This invaluable Tally TDL ensures that even if data is removed, it can be easily recovered, enhancing peace of mind and productivity.

Also Checkout Free Email Sender with Attachment in Bulk

Recyclebin for Tally Prime
[#Menu: GatewayofTally]
  Add: ToolBar Button:After:HelpButton:LearnwellRBPrime
  Control :@@locRecyclebin: $$Allow:Create:Vouchers
[Button : LearnwellRBPrime]
Title : $$LocaleString:"RecycleBin"
Key : Ctrl + 9
Action : Display : LW DelPrime

[#Form         :     Default]
Add: ToolBar Button:After:HelpButton:LearnwellRBPrime
[#Form         :    Daybook]
Add: ToolBar Button:After:HelpButton:LearnwellRBPrime
[#Menu        :    Main Menu]
Add: ToolBar Button:After:HelpButton:LearnwellRBPrime
[#Menu        :    Default]
Add: ToolBar Button:After:HelpButton:LearnwellRBPrime
[#Form         :    Voucher]
Add: ToolBar Button:After:HelpButton:LearnwellRBPrime
[Report: LW DelPrime]
  Use: Voucher Register
  Title   : "Recycle Bin"
  Local: Line: DSP Vchdetail: Empty: NOT $fldDeleted
  Set: FamilyVoucherFlag: Yes
  Set: IsRestoreMode: Yes
  Set: SV To Date : $$YearEnd:##SVCurrentDate 
  Set: lConfirmation: Yes

[#Form: Voucher]
  Local: Line : VCH NarrPrompt: Add: Fields: Recycle Bin
  Set Always: RecycleBinFlag: If ##IsRestoreMode then ##RecyclebinFlag else No
[Field: Recycle Bin]
  Use: Logical field
  Storage: fldDeleted
  Set as: If ##IsRestoreMode then No else ##RecyclebinFlag
  Set Always: Yes                                         
  Type: Logical 
  Invisible: Yes

[#Collection: DayBook Vouchers of Company]
  Fetch	: fldDeleted 
[#Key: BottomToolBarBtn3_Delete]
  Title   : $$LocaleString:"Delete"
  Option: RbinFormDelete: if ($$IsVoucher AND NOT ##IsRestoreMode) then Yes else No

[#Key: BottomToolBarBtn3]  
  Title   : $$LocaleString:"Delete"
  Option: RbinDeleteLineObject: Yes
[#Key: Delete Line Object]
  Key     : Alt+D
  Option: RbinDeleteLineObject: Yes
[#Key: Delete Line ObjectEx]
  Key     : Alt+D
  Option: RbinDeleteLineObject: Yes
[#Key: Form Delete]
  Key : Alt+D
  Option: RbinFormDelete: Yes

[!Key: RbinFormDelete]
  Key: Alt+D
  Action: Alter: Rpt Confirmation

[!Key: RbinDeleteLineObject]
  Key: Alt+D
  Action: Alter Object

[Key: Restore from Bin]
  Key: CTRL+R
  Action: Alter Object

[Report: Rpt Confirmation]
  Add: Form: frm Confirmation
  Variable: lConfirmation
  Set: lConfirmation: Yes
  Title: "Confirm"
[Form: frm Confirmation]
  Add: Part: LWhead,LWtt, LWdoubl
  Add: Bottom Part: LWlower
  Full Width  : No
  No Confirm  : Yes
  Space Left  : 5
  Space Right : 5
  Space Top   : 2
  Space Bottom: 1
  Width: 25% screen
  Height: 25% screen

[Part: LWhead]
  Horizontal Align: Centre
  Lines : ln Heading

[Part: LWtt]
  Horizontal Align: Centre
  Lines : Form SubTitle
  Local : Field : Form SubTitle : Info : $$LocaleString:"Delete?? [Yes/No]"

[Part: LWdoubl]
  Horizontal Align: Centre
  Lines : ln Confirmation

[Part: LWlower] 
  Horizontal Align: Centre
  Lines : ln Caption1

[Line: ln Heading]
  Add: Field : fldHeading 

[Line: ln Confirmation]
  Add: Field: LearnWellC,LearnWellR,LearnWellO

[Line: ln Caption1]
  Add: Field: fldCaption1

[Field: LearnWellC]
  Use: Logical Field
  Set as: ##lConfirmation          
  Modifies: lConfirmation

[Field: LearnWellR]
  Use: Logical Field
  Set as: #LearnWellC
  Set Always: Yes
  Modifies: RecycleBinFlag
  Skip: Yes
  Invisible: Yes

[Field: LearnWellO]
  Use: Logical Field
  Set as: #LearnWellC
  Set Always: Yes
  Modifies: OptionalFlag
  Skip: Yes
  Invisible: Yes

[Field: fldHeading]
  Info: "Tally-RECYCLE BIN"

[Field: fldCaption1]
  Info: "www.Learnwells.com"

[#Report: Daybook]
  Local: Line: DSP VchDetail: Empty : $fldDeleted
  Set: IsRestoreMode: No

[#Report: Ledger Vouchers]
  Local: Line: DSP VchDetail: Empty : $fldDeleted
  Set: IsRestoreMode: No

[#Line: DSP VchDetail]
  Add: Option: DSP VchDetail Restore: $fldDeleted

[!Line: DSP VchDetail Restore]
  Add: Keys: Restore from Bin

[#Field: VCH Optional]
  Option: Rbin VCH Delete: ##OptionalFlag and NOT ##IsRestoreMode
  Option: Rbin VCH Restore: ##OptionalFlag and ##IsRestoreMode 

[!Field: Rbin VCH Delete]

  Style: My Style
  Set as: if #Recyclebin then "PRESS ENTER to DELETE" else @UseOptStr
  Skip: if #Recyclebin then No else Yes
[Style: My Style]
  Font: Verdana
  Height: 18
  Bold: Yes

[!Field: Rbin VCH Restore]

  Add: Fields: Long Prompt,LearnWellC,FlgLWr,FlgLWrf,FlgLWop,FlgLWfld
  Local: Field: Long Prompt: Info: "PRESS ENTER to RESTORE"
  Local: Field: Long Prompt: Full Width: Yes
  Local: Field: Long Prompt: Align: Right
  Local: Field: Long Prompt: Style: My Style
  Color: Red
[Field: FlgLWr]
  Use: Logical field
  Type: Logical : Forced
  Modifies: RecyclebinFlag
  Set as: NOT #LearnWellC
  Set Always: Yes                                        
  Invisible: Yes
  Skip: Yes

[Field: FlgLWrf]
  Use: Logical field
  Type: Logical 
  Storage: fldDeleted
  Set as: #FlgLWr
  Set Always: Yes                                     
  Invisible: Yes
  Skip: Yes

[Field: FlgLWop]
  Use: Logical field
  Type: Logical 
  Modifies: OptionalFlag
  Set as: #FlgLWr
  Set Always: Yes                                
  Invisible: Yes
  Skip: Yes

[Field: FlgLWfld]
  Use         : Logical Field
  Storage     : Is Optional
  Set as      : #FlgLWop
  Set always  : Yes
  Invisible   : Yes
  Skip        : Yes

[#Form: Voucher]
  Option: RbinVoucher: ##OptionalFlag

[!Form: RbinVoucher]
  Key: SaveVoucher

[Key: SaveVoucher]
  Key: Enter
  Action: Form Accept

[#Field: Plain VCH Date]
  Option: Rbin Plain VCH Date: ##OptionalFlag

[!Field: RBin Plain VCH Date]
  Skip: if #RecycleBin then Yes else No
[System: Variable]
  RecycleBinFlag: "No"
  IsRestoreMode: "No"
  lConfirmation: "No"

[System: Formula]
  locRecyclebin : $$LocaleString:"Recycle Bin"

[System: UDF]
  fldDeleted: Logical : 1

[Variable: RecycleBinFlag]
  Type: Logical
  Volatile: Yes
  Persistent: No

[Variable: IsRestoreMode]
  Type: Logical
  Volatile: No
  Persistent: no

[Variable: lConfirmation]
  Type: Logical
  Persistent: No
  Volatile : Yes
  Default: No

Recycle bin for Tally Prime TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • Go to delete any entry in Tally Prime .
  • It will save in recyclebin.
  • Latter you can restore entry from recyclebin to tally.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Recyclebin for Tally Prime Video:

See the below video to learn how to delete and restore entries in Tally through recyclebin TDL for Tally Prime:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to See recyclebin folder in Tally.
  • How to delete entry in tally to store in recycle bin.
  • How to restore entry from recyclebin to tally voucher.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on https://e2t.in/
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\recyclebin.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your recycelbin TDL for Tally Prime is ready to use.

Like Aadhar Number we can add any additional details in Party Ledger and Invoice Print.

Data from Tally to Excel Using Power Query and ODBC

Best Free Method to Importing Data from Tally to Excel Using Power Query and ODBC

Here is Best Free Method to Importing Data from Tally to Excel Using Power Query and ODBC. In the financial management, Tally is a renowned software that provides best solutions for businesses. Excel, on the other hand, is a versatile tool for data analysis and reporting. By using the power of both, we can create a seamless data workflow.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how we can import various types of data from Tally to Excel using Power Query and the ODBC port of Tally.

Data from Tally to Excel Using Power Query and ODBC:

Power Query is an Excel add-in that allows users to transform and clean data before it’s loaded into a worksheet. It provides a user-friendly interface to handle complex data extraction tasks.

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a standard protocol that allows applications to communicate with various databases, including Tally.

Data from Tally to Excel Using Power Query and ODBC

Steps to Import Data from Tally to Excel Using Power Query and ODBC:

Step 1: Set Up ODBC for Tally:

  1. In Tally Help – Setting – Connectivity – Set ODBC Yes. For More details follow this Link How to enable ODBC in Tally Prime and in Tally ERP9.

Step 2: Access Power Query:

  1. Open Excel.
  2. Go to the “Data” tab on the ribbon.
  3. Click “Get Data” and select “From Other Sources” > “From ODBC”.

Step 3: Connect to Tally

  1. In the “Navigator” window, choose the DSN (Data Source Name) that you configured for Tally.
  2. Enter your Tally username and password.

Step 4: Select Data to Import

  1. In the “Navigator” window, select the specific data tables or views you want to import into Excel.
  2. Click “Load” or “Transform Data” to continue.

Step 5: Transform Data (if needed)

  1. In the Power Query Editor, you can apply transformations, such as filtering, merging, and cleaning data, to suit your needs.

Step 6: Load Data into Excel

  1. Once you’ve applied the necessary transformations, click “Close & Load” to import the data into Excel.

Watch the below video for more understanding:

By connecting Power Query and ODBC to Tally, businesses can unlock a powerful data management solution. This streamlined process not only saves time but also ensures accurate and up-to-date information for informed decision-making. Embrace this integration to enhance your financial management capabilities and streamline your data workflow.

Unlimited Emails with Attachments from Excel

2023 Free Amazing Unlimited Emails with Attachments from Excel | Excel to Email Sender

Free Amazing Unlimited Emails with Attachments from Excel. Sending emails with attachments can be a time-consuming and repetitive task, especially when you want to send multiple emails. However, with the power of Excel VBA, you can automate this process and make it much more efficient.

By creating a macro that allows you to send emails directly from your Excel spreadsheet, you can easily attach files to your emails with just a few clicks. This feature can help you save time, increase productivity, and reduce the risk of errors or omissions that can occur when manually attaching files.

Overall, this tool can help you become more efficient and productive, allowing you to focus on other important tasks. It’s a great addition to your productivity toolkit, and it can help you stay organized and on top of your email communications.

Unlimited Emails with Attachments from Excel:

Excel’s integration with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) enables users to automate tasks and extend its functionality. One such powerful application is sending emails with attachments in bulk, directly from an Excel spreadsheet.

Also Checkout Tally to Excel Import Utility

Unlimited Emails with Attachments from Excel

Download Excel to Email Sender:

Download Excel to Email Sender by clicking on below download button:

How to Use Unlimited Emails with Attachments from Excel:

  1. Open Excel to Email Sender Excel Workbook
  2. Enable Macro
  3. Fill Email address and Attachments in sheet (Watch below video for more understanding)
  4. Click on Send Button
  5. All Emails will be sends with attachments in bulk.

Click here to know How to enable macro in excel

How to Use Unlimited Emails with Attachments from Excel Video:

Watch below video to see how to create macro enabled workbooks to send emails in bulk with attachements:

With the power of VBA in Excel, businesses can streamline their communication processes, saving valuable time and ensuring important information reaches its recipients efficiently. This method provides an efficient solution for tasks such as sending invoices, reports, or any other document directly from your Excel spreadsheet.

Aadhar TDL for Tally

2023 Best Free Aadhar TDL for Tally – Aadhar in Ledger and Print

This is Aadhar TDL for Tally – Aadhar in Ledger and Print. In India Aadhar used everywhere. Sometime we also need to add Aadhar in Tally as customer details or KYC.

In today’s time Tally is a widely used accounting software that provides various financial management solutions for businesses. There is lots of reports hold in Tally, but sometime we required more detailed reports.

So in this blog post we will add Aadhar number in Party ledger and also print it into invoice. By using same method we can add other important details also.

Aadhar TDL for Tally:

With this TDL file we can Aadhar Number or any other important details in customer ledger:

Also Checkout amount wise outstanding tdl

Aadhar TDL for Tally

Aadhar TDL Code:

[#Part :LedOtherDetails]
Add : Line :LWLedAdhar

[Line : LWLedAdhar]
Fields : Short Prompt,LWLedAdharNo
Local : Field : Short Prompt : Setas : "Aadhar No:"

[Field :LWLedAdharNo]
Use : name Field
Setas : $LWLedAdharNoStore
Storage :LWLedAdharNoStore

[system : udf]
LWLedAdharNoStore: string : 500

[#Part:Expinv Buyer]
	Print BG:yellow
	Add:Line:After:EXPINV Buyer:LearnwellAdhar
	Fields : Medium Prompt, adharno
	Local : Field : Medium Prompt : Setas : "Aadhar No:"
	Use : name Field
	Setas :$LWLedAdharNoStore:Ledger:$PartyLedgerName


Aadhar TDL for Tally Prime and Tally ERP9:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • Goto Ledger and Add Aadhar Number of Customer .
  • Also will see Aadhar in Invoice Print.
  • We can remove extra fields from code (Like print in invoice) if not required.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Aadhar TDL for Tally Video:

See the below video to learn how to add change fields for Aadhar in TDL code:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to Create TDL files for Tally.
  • How to Load TDL files in Tally.
  • How to add change Extra Details in Ledger and Invoice Print.
  • How to See the TDL effects in Tally.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on https://e2t.in/
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\Aadhar.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Aadhar TDL for Tally Prime and ERP9 is ready to use.

Like Aadhar Number we can add any additional details in Party Ledger and Invoice Print.

Amount Wise Outstanding TDL

2023 Best Free Amount Wise Outstanding TDL for Tally Prime and Tally ERP9

The Amount wise Outstanding TDL provides a comprehensive view of the current outstanding amounts, with amount wise.

Tally is a widely used accounting software that provides various financial management solutions for businesses. There is lots of reports hold in Tally, but sometime we required more detailed reports.

So today I have amount wise outstanding TDL for your Tally Prime and Tally ERP9. This feature allows businesses to keep a record of their credit sales and outstanding payments, which helps in managing cash flow and reducing the risk of overdue payments.

Amount Wise Outstanding TDL :

This Amount Wise Outstanding TDL categorizes outstanding amounts into predefined brackets (e.g., 0-1000, 1001-5000, 5001-10000, etc.). This segmentation provides a clear view of the distribution of outstanding dues. This TDL can be use for Sundry Debtors and also for Sundry Creditors.

Amount Wise Outstanding TDL

Amount Wise Outstanding TDL Code:

With this TDL, businesses can make more informed decisions about collections strategies and prioritize follow-up efforts based on the amount owed.

Also checkout Invoice Modification TDL for Tally Prime and Tally ERP9

[#Menu: Account Statements]
Add : Item : Before : Quit : Learnwell Outstanding :Menu :LearnwellOutstandings
Add : Item : Sundry Creditors Outstanding : Display :LearnwellOutstandingsCR
Add : Item : Sundry Debtors Outstanding : Display :LearnwellOutstandingsDR

Form :LearnwellOutstanding
Variable : SvFromDate, SvToDate
Set : SvFromDate : @@DSPFromDate
Set : SvToDate : @@DSPToDate

Part :LWoutT1,LWoutT2,LWoutD
Width       : 100% Screen
Height      : 100% Screen
Button : ExplodeFlag, F2ChangePeriod
Keys : ChangePeriod

[Part : LWoutT1]
Line :LearnWellInfoL
Space Bottom : 0.50

[Line : LearnWellInfoL]
Field : Name Field
Local : Field : Name Field : Set as: "Learnwells.com - Outstanding Report"
Local : Field : Name Field : Align : Left

[Part :LWoutT2]
Line :LWoutTL

[Part :LWoutD]
Line :LearnwellOutstanding
Repeat :LearnwellOutstanding :LearnwellCreditors
Scroll : Vertical
Common Border : Yes
Space : Yes
Space Bottom : 0.50
Bottom Line : NBPMTotals
Total :LW20KT, LW50KT, LW100KT, LW500KT,LW1000KT, LW1000KMT, GrandTotalT

[Line :LWoutTL]
Use :LearnwellOutstanding
Local : Field : Default : Type : String
Local : Field : Default : Align : Center
Local : Field : Default : Style : TinyBold
Local : Field : Default : Border : Thin Left
Local : Field : Parent Name : Set As : "Pariculars"
Local : Field : Parent Group : Set As : "Group"
Local : Field : Mobile : Set as : "Mobile No"
Local : Field : LW20K : Set as : "=<20K "
Local : Field : LW50K : Set as : "=<50K "
Local : Field : LW100K: Set as : "=<1L "
Local : Field : LW500K : Set as : "=<5L "
Local : Field : LW1000K : Set as : "=<10L "
Local : Field : LW1000KM : Set as : "=>10L "
Local : Field : GrandTotal : Set as : "Grand Total "
Border : Column Titles
Height : 1.20

[Line :LearnwellOutstanding]
Field : Parent Name, Parent Group,Mobile
Right Field :LW20K, LW50K, LW100K, LW500K, LW1000K,LW1000KM, GrandTotal
Border : Column Titles
Height : 1.25
Option : Alter on Enter

[Field : Parent Name]
Use : Name Field
Set as : $Name
Style : Tiny Bold
Border : Thin Left
Width : 60

[Field : Parent Group]
Use : Name Field
Set as : $Parent
Style : Tiny Bold
Border : Thin Left
Width : 20

[Field : Mobile]
Use : Name Field
Set as :$LedgerMobile
Style : Tiny Bold
Border : Thin Left
Width : 20

[Field : LW20K]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 0 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 20000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 0 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 20000))
Set as : $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW50K]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 20000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 50000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 20000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 50000))
Set as : if $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW100K]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 50000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 100000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 50000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 100000))
Set as : if $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW500K]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 100000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 500000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 100000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 500000))
Set as : if $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW1000K]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 500000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 1000000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 500000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 500000))
Set as : if $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW1000KM]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance < 999999999 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 1000000) OR ($ClosingBalance > 999999999 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 500000))
Set as : if $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : GrandTotal]
Use : Amount Field
Set as : if $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Right
Width : 15

[Line: NBPMTotals]
Field : Parent Name
Right Field :LW20K, LW50K, LW100K, LW500K,LW1000K, LW1000KM, GrandTotal
Border : Totals
Local : Field : Default : Align : Center
Local : Field : Default : Style : Normal Bold
Local : Field : Default : Border : Thin Left
Local : Field : Parent Name : Set as : "Grand Total"
Local : Field : Parent Name : Align : Center
Local : Field : LW20K: Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW50K: Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW100K	: Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW500K : Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW1000K : Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW1000KM	: Type : Amount
Local : Field : GrandTotal : Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW20K: Set as : $LW20KT
Local : Field : LW50K: Set as : $LW50KT
Local : Field : LW100K	: Set as : $LW100KT
Local : Field : LW500K : Set as : $LW500KT
Local : Field : LW1000K : Set as : $LW1000KT
Local : Field : LW1000KM	: Set as : $LW1000KMT
Local : Field : GrandTotal : Set as : $TotalCB
Local : Field : GrandTotal : Border : Thin Left Right
Local : Field : GrandTotal : Align : Right

[Collection :LearnwellCreditors]
Type : Ledger
By : Amount
Child of : $$GroupSundryCreditors
Belongs To: Yes
Fetch : ClosingBalance
Filter : ZeroClosing
Filter : CreditOnly
AggrCompute : TotalCB : Sum : $ClosingBalance

CreditOnly :Not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance
TotalCB : $$CollAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:$ClosingBalance
Co20K:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 0 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 20000)
LW20KT  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:Co20K:$ClosingBalance
Co50K:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 20000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 50000)
LW50KT  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:Co50K:$ClosingBalance
Co100K:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 50000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 100000)
LW100KT  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:Co100K:$ClosingBalance
Co500K:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 100000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 500000)
LW500KT  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:Co500K:$ClosingBalance
Co1000K:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 500000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 1000000)
LW1000KT  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:Co1000K:$ClosingBalance
Co1000KM:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 1000000)
LW1000KMT  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:Co1000KM:$ClosingBalance


Form :LearnwellOutstandingD
Variable : SvFromDate, SvToDate
Set : SvFromDate : @@DSPFromDate
Set : SvToDate : @@DSPToDate

Part :LWoutT1D,LWoutT2D,LWoutDD
Width       : 100% Screen
Height      : 100% Screen
Button : ExplodeFlag, F2ChangePeriod
Keys : ChangePeriod

[Part : LWoutT1D]
Line :LearnWellInfoLD
Space Bottom : 0.50

[Line : LearnWellInfoLD]
Field : Name Field
Local : Field : Name Field : Set as: "Learnwells.com - Outstanding Report"
Local : Field : Name Field : Align : Left

[Part :LWoutT2D]
Line :LWoutTLD

[Part :LWoutDD]
Line :LearnwellOutstandingD
Repeat :LearnwellOutstandingD :LearnwellCreditorsD
Scroll : Vertical
Common Border : Yes
Space : Yes
Space Bottom : 0.50
Bottom Line : NBPMTotalsD
Total :LW20KTD, LW50KTD, LW100KTD, LW500KTD,LW1000KTD, LW1000KMTD, GrandTotalTD

[Line :LWoutTLD]
Use :LearnwellOutstandingD
Local : Field : Default : Type : String
Local : Field : Default : Align : Center
Local : Field : Default : Style : TinyBold
Local : Field : Default : Border : Thin Left
Local : Field : Parent NameD : Set As : "Pariculars"
Local : Field : Parent GroupD : Set As : "Group"
Local : Field : MobileD : Set as : "Mobile No"
Local : Field : LW20KD : Set as : "=<20K "
Local : Field : LW50KD : Set as : "=<50K "
Local : Field : LW100KD: Set as : "=<1L "
Local : Field : LW500KD : Set as : "=<5L "
Local : Field : LW1000KD : Set as : "=<10L "
Local : Field : LW1000KMD : Set as : "=>10L "
Local : Field : GrandTotalD : Set as : "Grand Total "
Border : Column Titles
Height : 1.20

[Line :LearnwellOutstandingD]
Field : Parent NameD, Parent GroupD,MobileD
Right Field :LW20KD, LW50KD, LW100KD, LW500KD, LW1000KD,LW1000KMD, GrandTotalD
Border : Column Titles
Height : 1.25

[Field : Parent NameD]
Use : Name Field
Set as : $Name
Style : Tiny Bold
Border : Thin Left
Width : 60

[Field : Parent GroupD]
Use : Name Field
Set as : $Parent
Style : Tiny Bold
Border : Thin Left
Width : 20

[Field : MobileD]
Use : Name Field
Set as :$LedgerMobile
Style : Tiny Bold
Border : Thin Left
Width : 20

[Field : LW20KD]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 0 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 20000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 0 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 20000))
Set as : $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW50KD]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 20000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 50000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 20000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 50000))
Set as : if not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW100KD]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 50000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 100000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 50000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 100000))
Set as : if not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW500KD]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 100000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 500000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 100000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 500000))
Set as : if not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW1000KD]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 500000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 1000000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 500000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 500000))
Set as : if not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW1000KMD]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance < 999999999 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 1000000) OR ($ClosingBalance > 999999999 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 500000))
Set as : if not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : GrandTotalD]
Use : Amount Field
Set as : if not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Right
Width : 15

[Line: NBPMTotalsD]
Field : Parent NameD
Right Field :LW20KD, LW50KD, LW100KD, LW500KD,LW1000KD, LW1000KMD, GrandTotalD
Border : Totals
Local : Field : Default : Align : Center
Local : Field : Default : Style : Normal Bold
Local : Field : Default : Border : Thin Left
Local : Field : Parent NameD : Set as : "Grand Total"
Local : Field : Parent NameD : Align : Center
Local : Field : LW20KD: Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW50KD: Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW100KD	: Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW500KD : Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW1000KD : Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW1000KMD	: Type : Amount
Local : Field : GrandTotalD : Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW20KD: Set as : $LW20KTD
Local : Field : LW50KD: Set as : $LW50KTD
Local : Field : LW100KD	: Set as : $LW100KTD
Local : Field : LW500KD : Set as : $LW500KTD
Local : Field : LW1000KD : Set as : $LW1000KTD
Local : Field : LW1000KMD	: Set as : $LW1000KMTD
Local : Field : GrandTotalD : Set as : $TotalCBD
Local : Field : GrandTotalD : Border : Thin Left Right
Local : Field : GrandTotalD : Align : Right

[Collection :LearnwellCreditorsD]
Type : Ledger
By : Amount
Child of : $$GroupSundryDebtors
Belongs To: Yes
Fetch : ClosingBalance
Filter : ZeroClosing
Filter : DebitOnly
AggrCompute : TotalCBD : Sum : $ClosingBalance

DebitOnly :$$IsDr:$ClosingBalance
TotalCBD : $$CollAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:$ClosingBalance
Co20KD:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 0 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 20000)
LW20KTD  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:Co20KD:$ClosingBalance
Co50KD:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 20000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 50000)
LW50KTD  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:Co50KD:$ClosingBalance
Co100KD:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 50000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 100000)
LW100KTD  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:Co100KD:$ClosingBalance
Co500KD:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 100000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 500000)
LW500KTD  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:Co500KD:$ClosingBalance
Co1000KD:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 500000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 1000000)
LW1000KTD  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:Co1000KD:$ClosingBalance
Co1000KMD:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 1000000)
LW1000KMTD  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:Co1000KMD:$ClosingBalance

Amount Wise Outstanding TDL for Tally Prime and Tally ERP9:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • Go to Gateway of Tally – Display More Reports – Statement of Accounts – Learnwell Outstanding .
  • You will find Sundry Debtors Outstanding and Sundry Creditors Outstanding
  • Also can print and Export Outstanding details.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Amount Wise Outstanding TDL Video:

See the below video to learn how to add change amount details in TDL code:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to Create TDL files for Tally in Tally Prime Developer.
  • How to Load TDL files in Tally.
  • How to add change between and less than greater than amount for outstanding.
  • How to See the TDL effects in Tally.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on https://e2t.in/
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\Outstanding.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Outstanding TDL for Tally Prime and ERP9 is ready to use.

The “Amount Wise Outstanding” TDL can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to gain a more detailed understanding of their receivables and payables. By segmenting outstanding amounts, you can make more informed decisions and implement targeted strategies for collections and payments. Always ensure that you obtain TDLs from reputable and trusted sources.

Tally to Excel Import

2023 Amazing Quick Sale Summary from Tally to Excel Import | Tally to Excel Import Free Tool

This is Quick Sale Summary from Tally to Excel Import, to import your sales data into excel direct from Tally without any hustle.

However, extracting and analyzing data from Tally can sometimes be a complex task. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to a powerful tool that simplifies this process – the Quick Sale Summary from Tally to Excel Import Tool.

Understanding the Quick Sale Summary from Tally to Excel Import Tool:

The Quick Sale Summary from Tally to Excel Import Tool is a user-friendly macro enabled excel workbook application designed to seamlessly transfer sales data from Tally to Microsoft Excel. This tool bridges the gap between your accounting software Tally and spreadsheet analysis, providing you with a simplified and efficient way to process sales information.

Tally to Excel Import

Key Benefits of the Tally to Excel Import:

The Tally to Excel Import tool revolutionizes the way businesses manage their financial data. Its primary advantage lies in its ability to automate the transfer of sales information from Tally to Excel, saving significant time and eliminating manual data entry.

How to Use Tally to Excel Tool:

  1. Enable Macro in Excel Tool (Process given below)
  2. Set ODBC in Tally (Method provided below)
  3. Open Excel Macro Enabled Excel tool and Write Date
  4. Click on Get Button (If have previous data in sheet then click on clear button first.)
  5. Now all Tally Data will collect in Excel Sheet

How to Enable Macro of Tally to Excel Tool:

To enable macro in Macro workbooks, open Excel – goto File – Option – Trust Centre – Trust Centre Setting – Macro Setting – Tick on Enable Macro and Press OK.

For More details Follow these steps to enable and disable macro

How to Enable ODBC in Tally:

Tally Prime Users goto Help – Setting – Connectivity

Tally ERP9 Users goto F12 Configure

For More details: how to enable ODBC in Tally Prime and in Tally ERP 9

How to Use Tally to Excel Import Free Tool Video:

Tally to Excel Import Tool Download Link:

You can download tally to excel import tool with below button:

Unlocking the Potential of Your Tally:

The Quick Sale Summary from Tally to Excel Import Tool empowers businesses to harness the full potential of their sales data. By automating the process and providing a user-friendly interface, this tool enhances your ability to make informed decisions and drive growth.

With this we can create our Pivot Table for MIS report, that will help a lot for business growth.