Daily Auto Reminder TDL

2023 Amazing Daily Auto Reminder TDL for Tally Prime | Daily Auto Popup TDL

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Here is best free Amazing Daily Auto Reminder TDL for Tally Prime , that can show messages with Auto Popup when opening Tally. Daily Auto Reminder TDL is a powerful TDL file that automates your reminder process, ensuring important tasks are never overlooked. And also will help in daily pray with the image of your god, while start working.

The Daily Auto Popup TDL for Tally Prime will be game-changer for accountants who seeking to elevate their task management processes.

Daily Auto Reminder TDL:

The Daily Auto Reminder TDL is designed to optimize task management within Tally Prime. It empowers users by automating the process of setting reminders for daily tasks, reducing the risk of oversight and improving overall productivity. And also can add images with this Daily Auto Popup TDL.

Daily Auto Reminder TDL

Daily Auto Reminder TDL Code:

No more missed deadlines or overlooked tasks. The Daily Auto Reminder TDL acts as your virtual assistant, keeping you on track.

Also checkout recyclebin TDL for Tally Prime

[System : Event]
Auto Refresh : TIMER : TRUE : Display : LearnWellTodoList
Schedule Refresh : Load Company : TRUE : START TIMER : Auto Refresh : 60

[#Menu:Gateway of Tally]
Add: ToolBar Button:Before:Import Button:LearnwellToDo
[Button : LearnwellToDo]
Title : $$LocaleString:"ToDo"
Key : Ctrl + T
Action : Alter : LearnWellTodoList
    Form 	   	:LWTodo
	Object		: Company
	Parts       : LWtodoHeading,LWtodoTitle, LWtodoDetails
	Background  : Light Lily Yellow
	Width : 70 % Page
	Height : 70 % Page
	Vertical Align : Center
	Horizontal Align : Center
	Field: Name Field
	Local: Field : Name Field : Set as : "www.learnwells.com-ToDo List"
	Local: Field : Name Field : Style : Large Bold
	Local: Field : Name Field : Align : Center
	Local: Field : Name Field : Full Width : Yes
	Local: Field : Name Field : Color : Blue
	Local: Field : Name Field : Inactive : $$InExportMode
	Local: Field : Name Field : Skip : Yes
	Space Bottom : 0.25 cm
[Part: LWtodoTitle]
	Lines  	 	: LWtodoTitle
	Border  	: Column Titles
    [Line: LWtodoTitle]
        Use     : LWtodoDetails
	    Local   : Field : Default                   : Style : Small Bold
	    Local   : Field : Default                   : Skip  : Yes
	    Local   : Field : Default                   : Type  : String
		Local   : Field : Default                   : Delete: Storage
		Local   : Field : Default                   : Lines : 2
		Local   : Field : LWtodowork                : Set as: "ToDo/Works"
		Local   : Field : LWstrdt	     		    : Set as: "Start Date"
		Local   : Field : LWstrdt2	     		    : Set as: "End Date"
		Local   : Field : LWtodoremark	            : Set as: "Remark"
		Local   : Field : Default                   : Delete: Inactive
[Part: LWtodoDetails]
	Line        : LWtodoDetails
	Repeat      : LWtodoDetails : LWtodoDetails
	Scroll      : Vertical
	CommonBorder: Yes
	BreakOn     : $$IsEmpty:$LWwork
    [Line: LWtodoDetails]
		Field       : LWtodowork
		Right Field : LWstrdt, LWstrdt2,LWtodoremark
		Local       : Field : Default   : Style : Small Bold
	    [Field: LWtodowork]
			Use     : Name Field 
			Storage : LWwork
			Border  : Thin Left
			Width	:80
	    [Field: LWstrdt]
			Use 	: Short Date Field
			Storage : startdate
			Border  : Thin Left
			InActive: $VCurrentlyInService or $$IsEmpty:$LWwork
	    [Field : LWstrdt2]
			Use     : Short Date Field
			Storage : enddate
			Border  : Thin Left
			Inactive: $VCurrentlyInService or $$IsEmpty:$LWwork
		[Field : LWtodoremark]
			Use     : name Field
			Storage : remarks
			Border  : Thin Left
			Inactive: $VCurrentlyInService or $$IsEmpty:$LWwork

[System: UDF]
	LWtodoDetails			:Aggregate	: 3676
	LWwork			    	: String    : 3675
	startdate		    	: Date      : 3673
	enddate			    	: Date      : 3672
	remarks					:String		: 3674
[Collection: LWtodoDetails]  
	Type 	: LWtodoDetails : Company
	Childof : ##SVCurrentCompany
	Format 	: $LWwork, 50
	Title 	: "Learnwell ToDo"

;; www.Learnwells.com

Daily Auto Popup TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • It will remind after some time (time can set in TDL code) .
  • Add your reminder task and images (watch the video for more understanding).

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Daily Auto Popup TDL for Tally Prime Video:

See the below video to learn how to add reminder tasks and how to add image in Tally Prime:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to add reminder tasks in Tally.
  • How to add Image in reminder task.
  • How to set timer in tdl to see reminder.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on https://e2t.in/
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\reminder.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Daily Reminder TDL for Tally Prime is ready to use.

By implementing this Tally Prime TDL, businesses can unlock a new level of efficiency and productivity in their daily operations. Embrace this powerful tool and experience the transformative impact it can have on your Tally Prime experience.

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