Recyclebin for Tally Prime

2023 Free Must Have Tally TDL – Recyclebin for Tally Prime

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Recyclebin for Tally Prime is a game-changing Tally TDL that provides a safety net for your critical data. This is the must have Tally TDL file for your Tally. With this we can add recyclebin in our Tally and use as Recycle Bin.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of this must-have TDL for Tally Prime and how it can revolutionize your Tally data safety.

Recyclebin for Tally Prime:

If you’re a Tally user, you know how frustrating it can be when you accidentally delete an important voucher or transaction. But with Recyclebin TDL for Tally Prime, you never have to worry about losing your data again.

This Tally TDL automatically save deleted entries in recycle bin in your TallyPrime software. So whenever you delete a voucher or transaction, it goes straight to the recycle bin instead of being permanently deleted. Recyclebin for Tally Prime also allows you to restore deleted vouchers or transactions with just a few clicks.

Recyclebin for Tally Prime TDL code:

It acts as a buffer, preventing accidental deletions from becoming irreversible mistakes. This invaluable Tally TDL ensures that even if data is removed, it can be easily recovered, enhancing peace of mind and productivity.

Also Checkout Free Email Sender with Attachment in Bulk

Recyclebin for Tally Prime
[#Menu: GatewayofTally]
  Add: ToolBar Button:After:HelpButton:LearnwellRBPrime
  Control :@@locRecyclebin: $$Allow:Create:Vouchers
[Button : LearnwellRBPrime]
Title : $$LocaleString:"RecycleBin"
Key : Ctrl + 9
Action : Display : LW DelPrime

[#Form         :     Default]
Add: ToolBar Button:After:HelpButton:LearnwellRBPrime
[#Form         :    Daybook]
Add: ToolBar Button:After:HelpButton:LearnwellRBPrime
[#Menu        :    Main Menu]
Add: ToolBar Button:After:HelpButton:LearnwellRBPrime
[#Menu        :    Default]
Add: ToolBar Button:After:HelpButton:LearnwellRBPrime
[#Form         :    Voucher]
Add: ToolBar Button:After:HelpButton:LearnwellRBPrime
[Report: LW DelPrime]
  Use: Voucher Register
  Title   : "Recycle Bin"
  Local: Line: DSP Vchdetail: Empty: NOT $fldDeleted
  Set: FamilyVoucherFlag: Yes
  Set: IsRestoreMode: Yes
  Set: SV To Date : $$YearEnd:##SVCurrentDate 
  Set: lConfirmation: Yes

[#Form: Voucher]
  Local: Line : VCH NarrPrompt: Add: Fields: Recycle Bin
  Set Always: RecycleBinFlag: If ##IsRestoreMode then ##RecyclebinFlag else No
[Field: Recycle Bin]
  Use: Logical field
  Storage: fldDeleted
  Set as: If ##IsRestoreMode then No else ##RecyclebinFlag
  Set Always: Yes                                         
  Type: Logical 
  Invisible: Yes

[#Collection: DayBook Vouchers of Company]
  Fetch	: fldDeleted 
[#Key: BottomToolBarBtn3_Delete]
  Title   : $$LocaleString:"Delete"
  Option: RbinFormDelete: if ($$IsVoucher AND NOT ##IsRestoreMode) then Yes else No

[#Key: BottomToolBarBtn3]  
  Title   : $$LocaleString:"Delete"
  Option: RbinDeleteLineObject: Yes
[#Key: Delete Line Object]
  Key     : Alt+D
  Option: RbinDeleteLineObject: Yes
[#Key: Delete Line ObjectEx]
  Key     : Alt+D
  Option: RbinDeleteLineObject: Yes
[#Key: Form Delete]
  Key : Alt+D
  Option: RbinFormDelete: Yes

[!Key: RbinFormDelete]
  Key: Alt+D
  Action: Alter: Rpt Confirmation

[!Key: RbinDeleteLineObject]
  Key: Alt+D
  Action: Alter Object

[Key: Restore from Bin]
  Key: CTRL+R
  Action: Alter Object

[Report: Rpt Confirmation]
  Add: Form: frm Confirmation
  Variable: lConfirmation
  Set: lConfirmation: Yes
  Title: "Confirm"
[Form: frm Confirmation]
  Add: Part: LWhead,LWtt, LWdoubl
  Add: Bottom Part: LWlower
  Full Width  : No
  No Confirm  : Yes
  Space Left  : 5
  Space Right : 5
  Space Top   : 2
  Space Bottom: 1
  Width: 25% screen
  Height: 25% screen

[Part: LWhead]
  Horizontal Align: Centre
  Lines : ln Heading

[Part: LWtt]
  Horizontal Align: Centre
  Lines : Form SubTitle
  Local : Field : Form SubTitle : Info : $$LocaleString:"Delete?? [Yes/No]"

[Part: LWdoubl]
  Horizontal Align: Centre
  Lines : ln Confirmation

[Part: LWlower] 
  Horizontal Align: Centre
  Lines : ln Caption1

[Line: ln Heading]
  Add: Field : fldHeading 

[Line: ln Confirmation]
  Add: Field: LearnWellC,LearnWellR,LearnWellO

[Line: ln Caption1]
  Add: Field: fldCaption1

[Field: LearnWellC]
  Use: Logical Field
  Set as: ##lConfirmation          
  Modifies: lConfirmation

[Field: LearnWellR]
  Use: Logical Field
  Set as: #LearnWellC
  Set Always: Yes
  Modifies: RecycleBinFlag
  Skip: Yes
  Invisible: Yes

[Field: LearnWellO]
  Use: Logical Field
  Set as: #LearnWellC
  Set Always: Yes
  Modifies: OptionalFlag
  Skip: Yes
  Invisible: Yes

[Field: fldHeading]
  Info: "Tally-RECYCLE BIN"

[Field: fldCaption1]
  Info: ""

[#Report: Daybook]
  Local: Line: DSP VchDetail: Empty : $fldDeleted
  Set: IsRestoreMode: No

[#Report: Ledger Vouchers]
  Local: Line: DSP VchDetail: Empty : $fldDeleted
  Set: IsRestoreMode: No

[#Line: DSP VchDetail]
  Add: Option: DSP VchDetail Restore: $fldDeleted

[!Line: DSP VchDetail Restore]
  Add: Keys: Restore from Bin

[#Field: VCH Optional]
  Option: Rbin VCH Delete: ##OptionalFlag and NOT ##IsRestoreMode
  Option: Rbin VCH Restore: ##OptionalFlag and ##IsRestoreMode 

[!Field: Rbin VCH Delete]

  Style: My Style
  Set as: if #Recyclebin then "PRESS ENTER to DELETE" else @UseOptStr
  Skip: if #Recyclebin then No else Yes
[Style: My Style]
  Font: Verdana
  Height: 18
  Bold: Yes

[!Field: Rbin VCH Restore]

  Add: Fields: Long Prompt,LearnWellC,FlgLWr,FlgLWrf,FlgLWop,FlgLWfld
  Local: Field: Long Prompt: Info: "PRESS ENTER to RESTORE"
  Local: Field: Long Prompt: Full Width: Yes
  Local: Field: Long Prompt: Align: Right
  Local: Field: Long Prompt: Style: My Style
  Color: Red
[Field: FlgLWr]
  Use: Logical field
  Type: Logical : Forced
  Modifies: RecyclebinFlag
  Set as: NOT #LearnWellC
  Set Always: Yes                                        
  Invisible: Yes
  Skip: Yes

[Field: FlgLWrf]
  Use: Logical field
  Type: Logical 
  Storage: fldDeleted
  Set as: #FlgLWr
  Set Always: Yes                                     
  Invisible: Yes
  Skip: Yes

[Field: FlgLWop]
  Use: Logical field
  Type: Logical 
  Modifies: OptionalFlag
  Set as: #FlgLWr
  Set Always: Yes                                
  Invisible: Yes
  Skip: Yes

[Field: FlgLWfld]
  Use         : Logical Field
  Storage     : Is Optional
  Set as      : #FlgLWop
  Set always  : Yes
  Invisible   : Yes
  Skip        : Yes

[#Form: Voucher]
  Option: RbinVoucher: ##OptionalFlag

[!Form: RbinVoucher]
  Key: SaveVoucher

[Key: SaveVoucher]
  Key: Enter
  Action: Form Accept

[#Field: Plain VCH Date]
  Option: Rbin Plain VCH Date: ##OptionalFlag

[!Field: RBin Plain VCH Date]
  Skip: if #RecycleBin then Yes else No
[System: Variable]
  RecycleBinFlag: "No"
  IsRestoreMode: "No"
  lConfirmation: "No"

[System: Formula]
  locRecyclebin : $$LocaleString:"Recycle Bin"

[System: UDF]
  fldDeleted: Logical : 1

[Variable: RecycleBinFlag]
  Type: Logical
  Volatile: Yes
  Persistent: No

[Variable: IsRestoreMode]
  Type: Logical
  Volatile: No
  Persistent: no

[Variable: lConfirmation]
  Type: Logical
  Persistent: No
  Volatile : Yes
  Default: No

Recycle bin for Tally Prime TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • Go to delete any entry in Tally Prime .
  • It will save in recyclebin.
  • Latter you can restore entry from recyclebin to tally.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Recyclebin for Tally Prime Video:

See the below video to learn how to delete and restore entries in Tally through recyclebin TDL for Tally Prime:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to See recyclebin folder in Tally.
  • How to delete entry in tally to store in recycle bin.
  • How to restore entry from recyclebin to tally voucher.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\recyclebin.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your recycelbin TDL for Tally Prime is ready to use.

Like Aadhar Number we can add any additional details in Party Ledger and Invoice Print.

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