Amount Wise Outstanding TDL

2023 Best Free Amount Wise Outstanding TDL for Tally Prime and Tally ERP9

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The Amount wise Outstanding TDL provides a comprehensive view of the current outstanding amounts, with amount wise.

Tally is a widely used accounting software that provides various financial management solutions for businesses. There is lots of reports hold in Tally, but sometime we required more detailed reports.

So today I have amount wise outstanding TDL for your Tally Prime and Tally ERP9. This feature allows businesses to keep a record of their credit sales and outstanding payments, which helps in managing cash flow and reducing the risk of overdue payments.

Amount Wise Outstanding TDL :

This Amount Wise Outstanding TDL categorizes outstanding amounts into predefined brackets (e.g., 0-1000, 1001-5000, 5001-10000, etc.). This segmentation provides a clear view of the distribution of outstanding dues. This TDL can be use for Sundry Debtors and also for Sundry Creditors.

Amount Wise Outstanding TDL

Amount Wise Outstanding TDL Code:

With this TDL, businesses can make more informed decisions about collections strategies and prioritize follow-up efforts based on the amount owed.

Also checkout Invoice Modification TDL for Tally Prime and Tally ERP9

[#Menu: Account Statements]
Add : Item : Before : Quit : Learnwell Outstanding :Menu :LearnwellOutstandings
Add : Item : Sundry Creditors Outstanding : Display :LearnwellOutstandingsCR
Add : Item : Sundry Debtors Outstanding : Display :LearnwellOutstandingsDR

Form :LearnwellOutstanding
Variable : SvFromDate, SvToDate
Set : SvFromDate : @@DSPFromDate
Set : SvToDate : @@DSPToDate

Part :LWoutT1,LWoutT2,LWoutD
Width       : 100% Screen
Height      : 100% Screen
Button : ExplodeFlag, F2ChangePeriod
Keys : ChangePeriod

[Part : LWoutT1]
Line :LearnWellInfoL
Space Bottom : 0.50

[Line : LearnWellInfoL]
Field : Name Field
Local : Field : Name Field : Set as: " - Outstanding Report"
Local : Field : Name Field : Align : Left

[Part :LWoutT2]
Line :LWoutTL

[Part :LWoutD]
Line :LearnwellOutstanding
Repeat :LearnwellOutstanding :LearnwellCreditors
Scroll : Vertical
Common Border : Yes
Space : Yes
Space Bottom : 0.50
Bottom Line : NBPMTotals
Total :LW20KT, LW50KT, LW100KT, LW500KT,LW1000KT, LW1000KMT, GrandTotalT

[Line :LWoutTL]
Use :LearnwellOutstanding
Local : Field : Default : Type : String
Local : Field : Default : Align : Center
Local : Field : Default : Style : TinyBold
Local : Field : Default : Border : Thin Left
Local : Field : Parent Name : Set As : "Pariculars"
Local : Field : Parent Group : Set As : "Group"
Local : Field : Mobile : Set as : "Mobile No"
Local : Field : LW20K : Set as : "=<20K "
Local : Field : LW50K : Set as : "=<50K "
Local : Field : LW100K: Set as : "=<1L "
Local : Field : LW500K : Set as : "=<5L "
Local : Field : LW1000K : Set as : "=<10L "
Local : Field : LW1000KM : Set as : "=>10L "
Local : Field : GrandTotal : Set as : "Grand Total "
Border : Column Titles
Height : 1.20

[Line :LearnwellOutstanding]
Field : Parent Name, Parent Group,Mobile
Right Field :LW20K, LW50K, LW100K, LW500K, LW1000K,LW1000KM, GrandTotal
Border : Column Titles
Height : 1.25
Option : Alter on Enter

[Field : Parent Name]
Use : Name Field
Set as : $Name
Style : Tiny Bold
Border : Thin Left
Width : 60

[Field : Parent Group]
Use : Name Field
Set as : $Parent
Style : Tiny Bold
Border : Thin Left
Width : 20

[Field : Mobile]
Use : Name Field
Set as :$LedgerMobile
Style : Tiny Bold
Border : Thin Left
Width : 20

[Field : LW20K]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 0 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 20000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 0 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 20000))
Set as : $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW50K]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 20000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 50000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 20000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 50000))
Set as : if $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW100K]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 50000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 100000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 50000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 100000))
Set as : if $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW500K]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 100000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 500000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 100000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 500000))
Set as : if $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW1000K]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 500000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 1000000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 500000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 500000))
Set as : if $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW1000KM]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance < 999999999 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 1000000) OR ($ClosingBalance > 999999999 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 500000))
Set as : if $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : GrandTotal]
Use : Amount Field
Set as : if $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Right
Width : 15

[Line: NBPMTotals]
Field : Parent Name
Right Field :LW20K, LW50K, LW100K, LW500K,LW1000K, LW1000KM, GrandTotal
Border : Totals
Local : Field : Default : Align : Center
Local : Field : Default : Style : Normal Bold
Local : Field : Default : Border : Thin Left
Local : Field : Parent Name : Set as : "Grand Total"
Local : Field : Parent Name : Align : Center
Local : Field : LW20K: Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW50K: Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW100K	: Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW500K : Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW1000K : Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW1000KM	: Type : Amount
Local : Field : GrandTotal : Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW20K: Set as : $LW20KT
Local : Field : LW50K: Set as : $LW50KT
Local : Field : LW100K	: Set as : $LW100KT
Local : Field : LW500K : Set as : $LW500KT
Local : Field : LW1000K : Set as : $LW1000KT
Local : Field : LW1000KM	: Set as : $LW1000KMT
Local : Field : GrandTotal : Set as : $TotalCB
Local : Field : GrandTotal : Border : Thin Left Right
Local : Field : GrandTotal : Align : Right

[Collection :LearnwellCreditors]
Type : Ledger
By : Amount
Child of : $$GroupSundryCreditors
Belongs To: Yes
Fetch : ClosingBalance
Filter : ZeroClosing
Filter : CreditOnly
AggrCompute : TotalCB : Sum : $ClosingBalance

CreditOnly :Not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance
TotalCB : $$CollAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:$ClosingBalance
Co20K:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 0 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 20000)
LW20KT  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:Co20K:$ClosingBalance
Co50K:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 20000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 50000)
LW50KT  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:Co50K:$ClosingBalance
Co100K:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 50000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 100000)
LW100KT  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:Co100K:$ClosingBalance
Co500K:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 100000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 500000)
LW500KT  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:Co500K:$ClosingBalance
Co1000K:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 500000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 1000000)
LW1000KT  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:Co1000K:$ClosingBalance
Co1000KM:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 1000000)
LW1000KMT  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditors:Co1000KM:$ClosingBalance


Form :LearnwellOutstandingD
Variable : SvFromDate, SvToDate
Set : SvFromDate : @@DSPFromDate
Set : SvToDate : @@DSPToDate

Part :LWoutT1D,LWoutT2D,LWoutDD
Width       : 100% Screen
Height      : 100% Screen
Button : ExplodeFlag, F2ChangePeriod
Keys : ChangePeriod

[Part : LWoutT1D]
Line :LearnWellInfoLD
Space Bottom : 0.50

[Line : LearnWellInfoLD]
Field : Name Field
Local : Field : Name Field : Set as: " - Outstanding Report"
Local : Field : Name Field : Align : Left

[Part :LWoutT2D]
Line :LWoutTLD

[Part :LWoutDD]
Line :LearnwellOutstandingD
Repeat :LearnwellOutstandingD :LearnwellCreditorsD
Scroll : Vertical
Common Border : Yes
Space : Yes
Space Bottom : 0.50
Bottom Line : NBPMTotalsD
Total :LW20KTD, LW50KTD, LW100KTD, LW500KTD,LW1000KTD, LW1000KMTD, GrandTotalTD

[Line :LWoutTLD]
Use :LearnwellOutstandingD
Local : Field : Default : Type : String
Local : Field : Default : Align : Center
Local : Field : Default : Style : TinyBold
Local : Field : Default : Border : Thin Left
Local : Field : Parent NameD : Set As : "Pariculars"
Local : Field : Parent GroupD : Set As : "Group"
Local : Field : MobileD : Set as : "Mobile No"
Local : Field : LW20KD : Set as : "=<20K "
Local : Field : LW50KD : Set as : "=<50K "
Local : Field : LW100KD: Set as : "=<1L "
Local : Field : LW500KD : Set as : "=<5L "
Local : Field : LW1000KD : Set as : "=<10L "
Local : Field : LW1000KMD : Set as : "=>10L "
Local : Field : GrandTotalD : Set as : "Grand Total "
Border : Column Titles
Height : 1.20

[Line :LearnwellOutstandingD]
Field : Parent NameD, Parent GroupD,MobileD
Right Field :LW20KD, LW50KD, LW100KD, LW500KD, LW1000KD,LW1000KMD, GrandTotalD
Border : Column Titles
Height : 1.25

[Field : Parent NameD]
Use : Name Field
Set as : $Name
Style : Tiny Bold
Border : Thin Left
Width : 60

[Field : Parent GroupD]
Use : Name Field
Set as : $Parent
Style : Tiny Bold
Border : Thin Left
Width : 20

[Field : MobileD]
Use : Name Field
Set as :$LedgerMobile
Style : Tiny Bold
Border : Thin Left
Width : 20

[Field : LW20KD]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 0 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 20000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 0 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 20000))
Set as : $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW50KD]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 20000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 50000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 20000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 50000))
Set as : if not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW100KD]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 50000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 100000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 50000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 100000))
Set as : if not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW500KD]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 100000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 500000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 100000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 500000))
Set as : if not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW1000KD]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance > 500000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 1000000) OR ($ClosingBalance < 500000 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 500000))
Set as : if not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : LW1000KMD]
Use : Amount Field
SetbyCondition : (($ClosingBalance < 999999999 AND NOT $ClosingBalance >= 1000000) OR ($ClosingBalance > 999999999 AND NOT $ClosingBalance <= 500000))
Set as : if not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Center
Width : 15

[Field : GrandTotalD]
Use : Amount Field
Set as : if not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance then 0 else $ClosingBalance
Type : Amount
Border : Thin Left
Align : Right
Width : 15

[Line: NBPMTotalsD]
Field : Parent NameD
Right Field :LW20KD, LW50KD, LW100KD, LW500KD,LW1000KD, LW1000KMD, GrandTotalD
Border : Totals
Local : Field : Default : Align : Center
Local : Field : Default : Style : Normal Bold
Local : Field : Default : Border : Thin Left
Local : Field : Parent NameD : Set as : "Grand Total"
Local : Field : Parent NameD : Align : Center
Local : Field : LW20KD: Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW50KD: Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW100KD	: Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW500KD : Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW1000KD : Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW1000KMD	: Type : Amount
Local : Field : GrandTotalD : Type : Amount
Local : Field : LW20KD: Set as : $LW20KTD
Local : Field : LW50KD: Set as : $LW50KTD
Local : Field : LW100KD	: Set as : $LW100KTD
Local : Field : LW500KD : Set as : $LW500KTD
Local : Field : LW1000KD : Set as : $LW1000KTD
Local : Field : LW1000KMD	: Set as : $LW1000KMTD
Local : Field : GrandTotalD : Set as : $TotalCBD
Local : Field : GrandTotalD : Border : Thin Left Right
Local : Field : GrandTotalD : Align : Right

[Collection :LearnwellCreditorsD]
Type : Ledger
By : Amount
Child of : $$GroupSundryDebtors
Belongs To: Yes
Fetch : ClosingBalance
Filter : ZeroClosing
Filter : DebitOnly
AggrCompute : TotalCBD : Sum : $ClosingBalance

DebitOnly :$$IsDr:$ClosingBalance
TotalCBD : $$CollAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:$ClosingBalance
Co20KD:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 0 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 20000)
LW20KTD  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:Co20KD:$ClosingBalance
Co50KD:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 20000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 50000)
LW50KTD  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:Co50KD:$ClosingBalance
Co100KD:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 50000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 100000)
LW100KTD  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:Co100KD:$ClosingBalance
Co500KD:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 100000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 500000)
LW500KTD  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:Co500KD:$ClosingBalance
Co1000KD:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 500000 AND $ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name <= 1000000)
LW1000KTD  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:Co1000KD:$ClosingBalance
Co1000KMD:($ClosingBalance:Ledger:$Name > 1000000)
LW1000KMTD  :$$FilterAmtTotal:LearnwellCreditorsD:Co1000KMD:$ClosingBalance

Amount Wise Outstanding TDL for Tally Prime and Tally ERP9:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • Go to Gateway of Tally – Display More Reports – Statement of Accounts – Learnwell Outstanding .
  • You will find Sundry Debtors Outstanding and Sundry Creditors Outstanding
  • Also can print and Export Outstanding details.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Amount Wise Outstanding TDL Video:

See the below video to learn how to add change amount details in TDL code:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to Create TDL files for Tally in Tally Prime Developer.
  • How to Load TDL files in Tally.
  • How to add change between and less than greater than amount for outstanding.
  • How to See the TDL effects in Tally.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\Outstanding.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Outstanding TDL for Tally Prime and ERP9 is ready to use.

The “Amount Wise Outstanding” TDL can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to gain a more detailed understanding of their receivables and payables. By segmenting outstanding amounts, you can make more informed decisions and implement targeted strategies for collections and payments. Always ensure that you obtain TDLs from reputable and trusted sources.

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