Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL

2024 New GST Details in Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL | GST, Address, Mobile, HSN, Item Tax Rate in Movement Analysis Tally Prime

In this post we will add GST Details in Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL that will help to track customer details along with there GST Number, Address and Mobile Number. We also add Stock Item GST details like GST Rate and HSN code.

Movement Analysis in Tally Prime plays a pivotal role in understanding the movement of goods, tracking stock transfers, and analyzing sales and purchases.

GST Details in Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL:

By incorporating GST details within Movement Analysis, businesses can streamline their GST-related processes, ensuring compliance and facilitating seamless transactions.

Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL

How to Access Movement Analysis in Tally Prime:

Movement analysis report is used for comparative studies. They give an insight into the flow characteristics of the stock in an organization. It also helps in finding out the slow moving items which cause blockages in the flow of the working capital of the organization.

● Go to Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statement of Inventory > Movement Analysis .

Also Read How to Access Movement Analysis Reports in Tally Prime

Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL Code:


[Field: LWMA]
Use:Small Size Field
Set as:"GSTIN: " + $PartyGSTIN + " | Address: " + $$FullList:Address:$Address + "  | Mobile: " + $LedgerMobile
[#Line:STK AnalLine]

Use:Name Field
Set as:"GSTIN: " + $$String:$GstDetails[Last].STATEWISEDETAILS[1].RateDetails[1, @@IsIGST].GSTRate + "%" + "  | HSN: " + $$String:$HSNDetails[Last].HSNCode

Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally
  • Now go in Movement Analysis Report.
  • You can see additional details with ledgers and stock items.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Movement-Analysis Tally Prime TDL Video:

See the below video to learn how to customize Reports in Tally Prime through TDL:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to customize tally Reports through TDL.
  • How to access movementanalysis of Tally.
  • How to add GST details of Ledgers and Stock Items.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\MovementAnalysis.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Custom MovementAnalysis TDL for Tally Prime is ready to use.

Integrating GST details within Movement Analysis in Tally Prime using TDL empowers businesses to streamline their operations, enhance compliance, and facilitate smoother transactions. By customizing the software to incorporate these essential details, businesses can navigate the complexities of GST requirements with greater ease and efficiency.

Custom Invoice Tally Prime TDL

2024 Popular Custom Invoice Tally Prime TDL | Invoice Customization TDL for Tally Prime

If you use Tally and have a fixed format of Invoice Print that looks basic, then you can try this Custom Invoice Tally Prime TDL.

With this Invoice Customization TDL for Tally Prime you can change font and size of heading of your Invoice and also can change font and size of your company details in invoice that looks better and professional.

Custom Invoice Tally Prime TDL:

With this Custom Invoice Tally Prime TDL we can modify the layout and design elements of invoices. Here’s what you can achieve through this customization:

Font and Size Modification of Invoice in Tally:

Heading Customization: You have the flexibility to change the font style, color and size of the invoice heading, making it more prominent and aligned with your brand’s visual identity.
Company Details: Customize the font and size of your company details on the invoice.

Grid Lines on Item Details of Invoice in Tally:

Grid lines on item details area make Invoices more professional and clear look of Item details.

Enhanced Professionalism of Invoices in Tally:

By fine-tuning the fonts and sizes, you can create a more polished and professional look for your invoices, leaving a lasting impression on clients and stakeholders.

Also checkout Amazing GST Summary TDL

Custom Invoice Tally Prime TDL

Invoice Customization TDL for Tally Prime TDL code:

[#Line:Expinv INVDetails]
Local:Field:Default:Border:Thin Box

[#Line:EXPINV Title]
Local:field:simple field:Style:LearnwellStyle
Local:field:Default:Print BG:Grey

[#Line:EXPINV Company]

Use:Normal Bold
Font Name:Stencil

Use:Normal Bold
Font Name:Raleway

Custom Invoice Tally Prime TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally
  • Create an invoice and See Print Preview.
  • You can see changes in Invoice print.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Invoice Customization TDL for Tally Prime Video:

See the below video to learn how to customize Invoice in Tally Prime through TDL:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to customize tally Invoices through TDL.
  • How to font in Invoice of Tally.
  • How to color Tally invoice.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\CustomInvoice.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Custom Invoice TDL for Tally Prime is ready to use.

In the competitive business landscape, every interaction with clients and stakeholders matters. Invoices, often overlooked as mere financial documents, present an opportunity to reinforce your brand’s professionalism. With the Custom Invoice Tally Prime TDL, you can transform the appearance of your invoices from basic to sophisticated, leaving a lasting impression and elevating your brand image.



If you want to file GST returns on Time without any error, then this GST Summary TDL is for you. With this GST Summary TDL for Tally Prime and Tally ERP9 you can see Invoice wise and Party wise and State wise GST Totals. It works like Pivot Table, that can help you submit your GST returns on time without wrong GST filing.

GST Summary TDL:

  • The GST Summary TDL enables users to access granular insights, breaking down GST totals at multiple levels—Invoice-wise, Party-wise, and State-wise. This level of detail ensures a thorough understanding of GST data before filing returns.
  • By functioning like a Pivot Table, this TDL minimizes the chances of errors in GST filings. Users can review and reconcile data accurately, significantly reducing the risk of incorrect GST submissions.
  • The ability to view GST data across different parameters. You can see Sales, Credit Note, Purchase vouchers in Single Screen.

GST Summary TDL code:

[#Menu : Gateway of Tally]
Add : Item : LearnWell GST :Display :Learnwell GST Summary

[Report :Learnwell GST Summary]
Title:GST Summary
Variables : SV CurrentCompany
Form :Learnwell GST Summary
Variable : SVFromDate,SVToDate
Set : SVFromDate : $$MonthStart:##SVCurrentDate
Set : SVToDate : $$MonthEnd:##SVCurrentDate
Set : Is Day Book : Yes

[Form :Learnwell GST Summary]
Part :DSP AccTitles, LWTitles, LWGSTPurchase,LWDBTitle2Bot
Buttons : ChangeDybkDate,ChangePeriod
Background :Light Autumn Green
Page Break :LWPageBreak2
Width : 100 % Page
Height : 100 % Page
Space Bottom : 0.50
Space Left : 0.50
Space Right : 0.50
Space Top : 0.50
Vertical Align : Center
Horizontal Align : Center

[Part: LWPageBreak2]
Part: LWTitles

[Part : LWTitles]
Use : LWGSTPurchase
Delete : Repeat
Delete : Scroll
Border : ColumnTitles
Local : Field : Default : Type : string
Local : Field : LWParty: Set As : "Party Name"
Local : Field : LWGST : Set As : "GST No" 
Local : Field : LWRef : Set As : "Ref No"
Local : Field : LWVCHv : Set As : "VCH No" 
Local : Field : LWVCHd: Set As : "VCH Date"
Local : Field : LWVCHT: Set As : "VCH Type"
Local : Field : LWVCHs: Set As : "State"
Local : Field : LWRefDate : Set As : "Ref Date"
Local : Field : LWtotal1 : Set As : "Basic Amount"
Local : Field : LWtotal3 : Set As : "CGST "
Local : Field : LWtotal4 : Set As : "SGST "
Local : Field : LWtotal2 : Set As : "IGST "
Local : Field : LWtotal5 : Set As : "Invoice Amount"
Local :Field : Default : Style : Small Bold
Local: Field: Default: Align: Center 
Local: Field: Default: Background: Very Light Orange
Border : Totals

[Part :LWGSTPurchase]
Line : LWGSTPurchase
Repeat :LWGSTPurchase :LearnwellCollGSTPur
tOTAL : LWtotal1,LWtotal2,LWtotal3,LWtotal4,LWtotal2,LWtotal5
Common Border : Yes
Scroll : Vertical

[Line :LWGSTPurchase]
Field :LWVCHT,LWVCHv,LWVCHd,LWRef,LWRefDate,LWParty,LWGST,LWVCHs,LWtotal1,LWtotal2,LWtotal3,LWtotal4,LWtotal2,LWtotal5
Option : Alter on enter
Option : DisplayOnAltEnter 

[Field :LWRefDate]
Use : Short Date Field
Set As : $ReferenceDate
Border : Thin Right 
Format:"Short Date"
[Field :LWVCHd]
Use : Short Date Field
Set As : $Date
Border : Thin Right 
Format:"Short Date"
[Field :LWVCHv]
Use : Name Field
Set As : $VoucherNumber
Border : Thin Right 
[Field :LWVCHT]
Use : Name Field
Set As : $VoucherTypeName
Border : Thin Right 
[Field :LWVCHs]
Use : Name Field
Set As : $StateName
Border : Thin Right 
[Field : LWParty]
Use : NAme Field
Set As : $LedgerName
Width : 30
Border : Thin Right 
Alter : Voucher
Display : Ledger Vouchers:$$ISLedger
Variable: Ledger Name
[Field : LWGST]
Use : Name Field
Set As :$PartyGSTIN:Ledger:$PartyLedgerName
Width : 11
Border : Thin Right 
[Field : LWRef]
Use : NAme Field
Width : 10
Border : Thin Right

[Field : LWtotal1]
Use : Amount Field
Set As: $$CollAmtTotal:allinventoryEntries:$Amount + $$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:BASIC1:$Amount + $$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:BASIC2:$Amount
Border : Thin Right
[Field : LWtotal3]
Use : Amount Field
Set as:$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:CGST1:$Amount
Border : Thin Right 
Width : 10
[Field : LWtotal4]
Use : Amount Field
Set as : $$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:SGST1:$Amount
Border : Thin Right 
Width : 10
[Field : LWtotal2]
Use : Amount Field
Set as : $$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:IGST1:$Amount
Border : Thin Right 
Width : 10
[Field : LWtotal5]
Use : Amount Field
Set As : $Amount 
[System: Formula]
SGST :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:SGST1:$Amount
SGST1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:"SGST"
CGST :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:CGST1:$Amount
CGST1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:"CGST"
IGST :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:IGST1:$Amount
IGST1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:"IGST"
BASICS :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:BASIC1:$Amount
BASIC1 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:"SALE"
BASICP :$$FilterAmtTotal:LedgerEntries:BASIC2:$Amount
BASIC2 :$Name:Ledger:$LedgerName Contains $$LocaleString:"PURCHASE"

[Collection : LearnwellCollGSTPur]
Type : Ledger
Type : Vouchers 
Walk : allLedgerEntries
Filter : LWVoucherType
Fetch : Date,Amount,VoucherTypeName ,PArtyLedgerName,VoucherNumber,REFERENCE,ReferenceDate, GSTDutyAmount,BASICBUYERNAME,CGSTAmount,SGSTAmount,IGSTAmount
Fetch : *.*

Compute:IGSTAmount:$$CollAmtTotal:InventoryEntries:$Amount * $(Stockitem,$stockitem).GSTIGSTRate / 100 
Compute:CGSTAmount :$$CollAmtTotal:InventoryEntries:$Amount * $(Stockitem,$stockitem).GSTIGSTRate / 100/2
Compute:SGSTAmount:$$CollAmtTotal:InventoryEntries:$Amount * $(Stockitem,$stockitem).GSTIGSTRate / 100/2

[Part: LWDBTitle2Bot]
Lines : daybookTotalLine2
[Line: daybookTotalLine2]
Use : LWGSTPurchase 
Local: Field: Default : Style : Small Bold
Local: Field: Default: Align: Right
Local : Field : LWParty: Set As : "Total"
Local : Field : LWRef : Set As : ""
Local : Field : LWtotal1 : Set As : $$Total:LWtotal1
LOCAL : FIELD: LWtotal3:Set as:$$Total:LWtotal3
LOCAL : FIELD: LWtotal4:Set as:$$Total:LWtotal4
LOCAL : FIELD: LWtotal2:Set as:$$Total:LWtotal2
LOCAL : FIELD: LWtotal5:Set as:$$Total:LWtotal5
Border : Totals
Local: Field: Default: Background: Very Light Orange

[System: Formula]
LWVoucherType : $$IsPurchase:$VoucherTypeName or $$IsSales:$VoucherTypeName or $$IsDebitNote:$VoucherTypeName or $$IsCreditNote:$VoucherTypeName
CSTFilter2 : not ##IsRevChargeAppl


  • Copy or Download above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally
  • In Gateway of Tally you will find Learnwell GST Tab.
  • Click the Learnwell GST summary Tab to See the GST Reports.
  • Change Tally Period according to your need.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

GST Summary TDL Code Video:

See the below video to learn how to See GST Summary in Tally Prime:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to see GST Summary of Tally in one place.
  • How to change period in tally for GST.
  • How to customize GST report in Tally Prime.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\GSTSummary.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your GST Summary TDL file for Tally Prime is ready to use.

The GST Summary TDL for Tally Prime and Tally ERP9 is a remarkable addition to the arsenal of tools available for businesses navigating GST compliance. Its ability to offer intricate insights, prevent errors, and expedite the filing process is invaluable in today’s regulatory landscape.

GST Number in GSTR3B

GST Number in GSTR3B – Tally Prime 3 TDL

If you use Tally Prime 3 , there is no GST number in GSTR3B report, but we required sometime. so with this TDL file we can add GST number in GSTR3B report Also.

For businesses accurate and comprehensive reporting is crucial. Tally Prime 3, a prominent accounting software, is widely utilized for its robust functionalities, yet some users encounter limitations, particularly the absence of the GST number in the GSTR-3B report. Addressing this gap by customizing the report through TDL (Tally Definition Language) can prove beneficial.

GST Number in GSTR3B:

The GSTR-3B report acts as a vital summary, encapsulating essential tax details for a specific period under GST regulations. However, the absence of the GST number within this report in Tally Prime 3 could pose challenges for businesses needing this critical information for their records or compliance obligations.

Also checkout Most Amazing Invoice Customization TDL

GST Number in GSTR3B

GST Number in GSTR3B in Tally Prime 3 TDL Code:

Set as:"GST Number"
Border:Thin Box

GST Number in 3B Report TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally
  • Goto see GSTR3B report, there you will find GST Numbers of Party along with Party name (watch the below video for more details).
  • Now You can see GST Numbers in 3B report in Tally Prime 3.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

GST Number in GSTR3B in Tally Prime 3 TDL Code Video:

See the below video to learn how to customize GST 3B report in Tally Prime:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to add own details in Tally TDL
  • How to create TDL file.
  • How to customize GST 3B report in Tally Prime.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\3BTDL.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your GSTR3B TDL file for Tally Prime is ready to use.

Customized Invoice Tally Prime TDL

2023 Most Amazing Customized Invoice Tally Prime TDL | Normal & E-Invoice Format TDL

With this Customized Invoice Tally Prime TDL we can provide professional invoices to our customers, even want to create Normal Invoice or E- Invoice. In these invoice format can show your logo and company details like address and GST and QR in top of Invoice. And also change Item listing in header colors and font.

This is best and good looking invoice format for both Normal & E-Invoice. With Tally Definition Language (TDL), users can further personalize their invoices to meet specific business needs

Customized Invoice Tally Prime TDL:

Normal invoices are the standard format used for billing purposes. This Invoice TDL allows users to customize these invoices extensively. With this Normal & E-Invoice Format TDL, businesses can:

Adding Company Logo and Details:

Incorporate your company logo, address, GST details, and other pertinent information at the top of the invoice for a personalized touch.

QR Code Integration:

In normal invoices adding QR code of Bank Payment detail and and in E- Invoice, E- Invoice QR code along with Bank Payment QR code.

Invoice Details and Party Details in Horizontal form:

To save extra spaces of invoice changed invoice details like, Invoice number, Date, references etc. and Buyer and Consignee Details in Horizontal form in Invoice.

Changing Item Listing looks:

Modify the item listing section’s colors, fonts, and layout in the header to align with your brand aesthetics.

Customized Invoice Tally Prime TDL

Also checkout Manual Books TDL for Tally Prime

Customized E- Invoice and Normal Invoice TDL code:

Tally Prime’s flexibility combined with TDL empowers users to create tailored invoices that reflect their brand identity and meet regulatory requirements.

[#Part: EXPINV SaleTopLeft]
Height      : If ($$InExportMode OR $$InMailAction OR $$InUploadAction) AND ($$IsSysNameEqual:Excel:##SVExportFormat OR $$IsSysNameEqual:HTML:##SVExportFormat) THEN +
							(10 + 10 + @WithOrderVch + @WithOrderTerms + @WithBuyer + @WithCountry)  ELSE +
							(10 + 10 + @WithOrderVch + @WithOrderTerms + @WithBuyer + @WithCountry) % page
	Delete: Parts: EXPINV Company	
[#Form: Printed Invoice]

Border:thin bottom
Space Top:.5
Border:Thin Top
Set as:"Tax Invoice"
Full Width:Yes
Use: Normal Bold

Space Bottom:.5
Width:100% page
Part :LearnWellLOGO
Vertical : Yes
[Part :LearnWellLOGO]
Horizontal Alignment :Left
Vertical : No
Lines :LWLG
Graph Type: ##SALogoPath
Height : 12% page
Width : 15% Page
[Line :LWLG]
Field :LWLGF
[Field :LWLGF]
Set As : ""

Use:name field
Set as:@@CMPMailNAme
Full Width:Yes
Set as:$address
Full Width:Yes
Use: Normal Bold
[#Part: EXPINV Signature]
[#Part: EXPINV Column]
Border:Thick Box
Delete:Line:EXPINV Column2
Local : Field : Default : Style :Normal Bold
Local : Field : Default : Print FG :White
Print BG:Black

[#line : EXPINV invdetails]
option:bg print:@@oddline
[!line:bg print]
local : field : default : print bg :Light grey
OddLine : $$IsOdd:$$Line

[#Part: EXPINV OpPageBreak]
Delete: Parts:EXPINV Title
Delete:Parts:EXPINV Leading
Add:Parts:Before:EXPINV Column:LearnwellInvNo1,LearnwellInvNo

[#Part : Expinv Rightsign]
Delete : Bottom Parts
Add:Bottom Part:EXPINV Signature
Border:Thin box
Invisible: NOT ##SAGSTWithQRInfo OR $$IsEmpty:@@eInvoiceQRCValue OR NOT @@IsVchGSTeInvAppl
Line: LWExpinv IRN, LWExpinv AckNo, LWExpinv AckDate
Local: Line	: LWExpinv AckNo		: Space top		: 0.10
Local: Line	: LWExpinv AckDate	: Space top		: 0.10
Space Top:.5
[Line: LWExpinv IRN]
Use	: LWeInv IRN Details Template
Local: Field: Medium Prompt	: Set as	: $$LocaleString:"IRN"
Local: Field: Name Field	: Set as	: @@GSTeInvIRN
Local: Field: Name Field	: Width		: 30% Page
Local: Field: Name Field	: Line		: 03
[Line: LWExpinv AckNo]
Use	: LWeInv IRN Details Template
Local: Field: Medium Prompt	: Set as	: $$LocaleString:"Ack No."
Local: Field: Name Field	: Set as	: If ##IseInvPSPrintAfterSave Then ##eInvPSAckNo Else $IRNAckNo
[Line: LWExpinv AckDate]
Use	: LWeInv IRN Details Template
Space Bottom: 0.25
Local: Field: Medium Prompt	: Set as	: $$LocaleString:"Ack Date"
Local: Field: Name Field	: Set as	: If ##IseInvPSPrintAfterSave Then $$String:##eInvPSAckDate Else $$String:$IRNAckDate
[Line: LWeInv IRN Details Template]
Field: Medium Prompt, Name Field
Local: Field: Medium Prompt	: Width		: 4			
Local: Field: Medium Prompt	: Style		: Small
Local: Field: Name Field	: Style		: Small Bold

Part:LWeInvoice QRC Title2, LWeInvoice QRC Title
Vertical: Yes
[Part: LWeInvoice QRC Title]
Line: LWeInvoice QRC Title
[Line: LWeInvoice QRC Title]
Field: LWeInvoice QRC Title
Space Bottom: 0.5
[Part: LWeInvoice QRC Title2]
QRCode: @@eInvoiceQRCValue : Yes
Line: LWeInvoice QRC Title2
Width: 20% page
Height: 10% Page
[Line: LWeInvoice QRC Title2]
Field: Info Field
[Field: LWeInvoice QRC Title]
Use	: Simple Field
Set as: $$LocaleString:"e-Invoice"
Style: Small Bold
Width: Normal
[Part :LearnWellBankQR]
Parts :EXPINV BankDetails,LearnWellQrP
Border:Thin box
Space Top:.5
[Part :LearnWellQrP]
Part :LearnWellQRCode
Vertical : Yes
[Part :LearnWellQRCode]
Horizontal Alignment : Right
Vertical : No
Lines :LWQrL
QR code: ("upi://pay?pa=9131810293@ybl&pn=AshishKumarSingh&tn=Bill No. "+$$String:$voucherNumber) : True
Height : 12% page
Width : 15% Page
[Line :LWQrL]
Field :LWQrF
[Field :LWQrF]
Set As : ""

Part :LearnWellQRIn,qrtxt
Vertical : Yes
Invisible:NOT $$IsEmpty:@@eInvoiceQRCValue
[Part :LearnWellQRIn]
Lines :LWQrLn
QR code: ("upi://pay?pa=9131810293@ybl&pn=AshishKumarSingh&tn=Bill No."+$$String:$voucherNumber) : True
Height : 8% page
Width : 12% Page
[Line :LWQrLn]
Field :LWQrFn
[Field :LWQrFn]
Set As : ""
Use:name field
Set as:"Scan to Pay"

Parts:EXPINV Consignee, EXPINV ConsigneeContact, EXPINV Buyer, EXPINV Contact
Bottom Parts: EXPINV Country
Vertical    : No
Border:Thin box
Border:thin box
Parts       : EXPINV Number,EXPINV Date,EXPINV SupplierRef,EXPINV DelNote,EXPINV ShipDate
Vertical    : No
Parts       : EXPINV DueDate, EXPINV OtherRef, +
              JWInOutInv MotorVehicleNo, +
			  EXPINV PlaceOfRcpt, EXPINV PortDischarge, JMInOutInv ProcessingDuration
Vertical    : No
Parts: EXPINV OrderNumber, EXPINV OrderDate, EXPINV ShipDoc,EXPINV Destination,JWMTIn ChallanNo,EXPINV PreCarr, EXPINV Vessel, EXPINV PortLoading, JMInOutInv EmptyPart
Border:thin box

Invoice TDL:

  • Copy or Download above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally
  • Goto print and sales invoice, and enable bank details etc. (watch the below video for more details).
  • You can see changed invoice format.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Customized Invoice Tally Prime TDL Video:

See the below video to learn how to use Custom Invoice TDL in Tally Prime:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to add own details in Tally TDL
  • How to create TDL file.
  • How to customize invoice with TDL.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\InvoiceTDL.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Invoice TDL file for Tally Prime is ready to use.

By leveraging Tally Prime’s TDL capabilities, you can craft professional and personalized invoices for both Normal and E-Invoice formats. Incorporating your company logo, details, QR codes, and adjusting the visual aspects of the item listing allows you to present a consistent brand image while meeting the necessary invoicing standards. This level of customization not only enhances the professionalism of your invoices but also helps strengthen your brand identity with every interaction.

Manual Books TDL

2023 Most Amazing Manual Books TDL for Tally Prime

Manual Books TDL for Tally Prime will be very beneficial for our business. With this Tally Prime TDL we can customize our Tally Ledgers as old type Khata Books. This will help a lot to reconcile our Statements / Ledgers.

Also with this TDL fetch all details of ledger like, Cheque Number, Reference Number, Voucher Number etc. Additionally, it allows you to view ledgers with separate debit and credit sections. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of this TDL and how it can revolutionize your accounting experience.

Manual Books TDL:

The Manual Books TDL is a custom Tally TDL code designed to bridge the gap between modern accounting practices and the timeless charm of Khata Books. It empowers businesses to customize their Tally Ledgers for a more familiar and intuitive experience. The TDL simplifies the process of reconciling statements and ledgers, making it more intuitive and efficient.

Also Checkout HSN SAC code list at Entry Time TDL for Tally Prime

Manual Books TDL

Manual Books TDL Code for Tally Prime:

Customize your Tally Ledgers Statement to resemble the format of traditional Khata Books, providing a familiar and user-friendly interface.

[Button :LearnwellCashbook]
Key : CTRL+7
Title : "Manual Books"
Action :Display Collection:LearnwellMBook
[#Form :Default]
    Add:Top Button:At Beginning:LearnwellCashbook
[Collection: LearnwellMBook]
Type : Ledger
Belongs To : Yes
Variable : LedgerName
Report :LearnweLDRSt
Trigger :LearnweLDRStCll

[Report :LearnweLDRStCll]
Use : Collection Variable
Local : Line : Collection Variable : Add : Field :LearnwellSttment

Use : Name Field
Variable : LedgerName
Modifies : LedgerName
Table : LearnwellMBook
Show Table : Always

[Report :LearnweLDRSt]
Variable : SVFromDate, SVToDate
Set : SVfromDate:$$FinYearBeg:##StartDate:$StartingFrom:Company:##SVCurrentCompany
Set : LedgerName : ##LedgerName
Variable : IsMultiPage, InNewPages
Set : IsMultiPage : yes
Set : InNewPages : yes
Set : SVToDate : ##SVCurrentdate
Form :LearnwellSttmForm
Variable : GroupName
Set : Is Ledger Report : Yes
Set : DSPWithOpening : Yes

[Form :LearnwellSttmForm]
Height : 100% Screen
Width : 100% Screen
Space Top : If $$InPrintMode Then 0.5 Else 0 inches
Button : Change Period,ChangeLedger,Print Button,Export Button,BottomToolBarBtn6,BottomToolBarBtn7,BottomToolBarBtn8, BottomToolBarBtn9, BottomToolBarBtn10, BottomToolBarBtn11
Parts :LearnwellSttmTitle,LearnwellSttmDetl

[Part :LearnwellSttmTitle]
Space Bottom : 0.2 inch
Add:Lines:At End:LearnwellSttmPrty,LearnwellSttmPeriod


Use :Name Field
Width:150 mms
Full Width:Yes

Space Top:0.5
Border:thin bottom

Use:name field
Set as:$$LocaleString:"From " + $$String:##SVFromDate + " to " + $$String:##SVToDate
Align : Center
Full Width : Yes
Style:large bold

Right Part:LearnwellSttmDetlRight
Left Part:LearnwellSttmDetlLeft

Bottom Line:LWTTCLGTotalL,LWTTCLGTotalLField
Bottom Line:LWTTCLGTotalL1,
Common Border:Yes

Bottom Line:LWTTInfoRTotal, LWTTCLGTotalLFieldRT
Bottom Line:LWTTInfoRTotal1,
Common Border:Yes

Right Fields : LWOpBalD
Border: Thin BOttom

info :$$localestring:"Opening Balance :"
width : 50
Inactive: If $$IsEmpty:#LWOpBalD then Yes Else No
Background:Light Blue

Use : Amount Field
Set as : If $$IsDr:$Openingbalance:Ledger:##LedgerName then $Openingbalance:Ledger:##LedgerName else ""
Skip : Yes
style : Tiny Bold
Format : "Symbol,DrCr"
Width : 16
Background:Light Blue

Right Fields: LWCLbalLtot
Border: Thin Top

info :$$localestring:"Debit Total :"
width : 50
Align: Right
Widespaced: Yes
Background:Crystal Blue

Use : Amount Field
Set as : $$Total:LWLVCHDebitAmt + #LWOpBalD
Skip : Yes
style : normal
Format : "Symbol,DrCr"
Width : 16

Right Fields: LWCLbalLtot1
Border: Totals

info : $$localestring:"Current Total :"
Width : 50
Widespaced: Yes
Align: Right
Background:Crystal Blue

Use : Amount Field
Set as : #LWCLbalLtot + #LWCLbalL
Skip : Yes
style : normal bold
Width : 16
Align: Right

Right Fields: LWCLbalL

info :$$localestring:"Closing Balance :"
width : 50
Inactive: If $$IsEmpty:#LWCLbalL then Yes Else No
Widespaced: Yes
Align: Right
Background:Light Blue

Use : Amount Field
Set as : If $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance:Ledger:##LedgerName then 0 else $ClosingBalance:Ledger:##LedgerName
Skip : Yes
style : Normal Bold
Format : "Symbol,DrCr"
Width : 16

Local:Field:LWLVCHDReference:Info:"VCH No."
Local:Field:LWLVCHDChqNum:Info:"Ch./Ref. No."
Local:Field:LWLVCHDebitAmt:Info:"Debit Amount"
Local:Field:default:Background:Crystal Blue

Right Fields: LWOPebalR
Border: Thin BOttom

[Field:LWOPebalRT ]
info : $$localestring:"Opening Balance :"
width : 50
Inactive: If $$IsEmpty:#LWOPebalR then Yes Else No
Align: Right
Widespaced: Yes
Background:Light Blue

Use : Amount Field
Set as : If Not $$IsDr:$Openingbalance:Ledger:##LedgerName then $Openingbalance:Ledger:##LedgerName else ""
Skip : Yes
style : normal bold
Format : "Symbol,DrCr"
Width : 16
Background:Light Blue

Right Fields: LWCLbalRtot
Border: Thin Top

info :$$localestring:"Credit Total :"
width : 50
Widespaced: Yes
Align: Right
Background:Crystal Blue

Use : Amount Field
Set as : $$Total:LWLVCHCreditAmt+#LWOPeBalR
Skip : Yes
style : normal
Format : "Symbol,DrCr"
Width : 16

Right Fields: LWCLbalRtot1
Border: Totals

info :$$localestring:"Current Total :"
width : 50
Widespaced: Yes
Align: Right
Background:Crystal Blue

Use : Amount Field
Set as : #LWCLbalRtot + #LWCLbalR
Skip : Yes
style : normal bold
Width : 16

Right Fields:LWCLbalR

info :$$localestring:"Closing Balance :"
width : 50
Inactive: If $$IsEmpty:#LWCLbalR then Yes Else No
Widespaced: Yes
Align: Right
Background:Light Blue

Use : Amount Field
Set as : $ClosingBalance:Ledger:##LedgerName
Set as : If not $$IsDr:$ClosingBalance:Ledger:##LedgerName then 0 else $ClosingBalance:Ledger:##LedgerName
Skip : Yes
Format : "Symbol,DrCr"
Width : 16
Background:Light Blue

Option : AlterVchOnEnter : Yes

Use:uni date field
Set as : $Date
Format : "full Date"
Width :12
Style : tiny
Border : Thin right
Align : Left

Use : Name Field
Set as:If $$IsSales:$VoucherTypeName then $AllInventoryEntries.AccountingAllocations.LedgerName else If $$IsDebitNote:$VoucherTypeName then $AllInventoryEntries.AccountingAllocations.LedgerName else $$LocaleString:$AllLedgerEntries[1].LedgerName
Width : 37
Style : tiny
Border : Thin right

Set As : $VoucherNumber
Width : 10
Align : center
Style : tiny
border : thin right

Use : Name Field
Set as : If $$IsPayment:$VoucherTypeName then $AllLedgerEntries[-1].BankAllocations.INSTRUMENTNUMBER +
else If $$IsContra:$VoucherTypeName then $AllLedgerEntries[-2].BankAllocations.INSTRUMENTNUMBER +
else If $$IsReceipt:$VoucherTypeName then $AllLedgerEntries[-1].BankAllocations.InstrumentNumber +
else If $$IsPurchase:$VoucherTypeName then $Reference +
else If $$Issales:$VoucherTypeName then $Reference +
Else $AllLedgerEntries.BankAllocations.InstrumentNumbers
Width : 8
Style : tiny
Border : Thin right

Use : Name Field
Set as : $VoucherTypeName
Width : 10
Style : tiny
Border : Thin Right

Use : Amount Field
Set as : $$AsDrAmt:$TotLedDrAmt
Full Width : Yes
Border : Thin right
Space Right:1

Local:Field:LWLVCHcReference:Info:"VCH No."
Local:Field:LWLVCHCChqNum:Info:"Ch./Ref No"
Local:Field:LWLVCHCType:Info:"Vch. Type"
Local:Field:LWLVCHCreditAmt:Info:"Credit Amount"
Local:Field:default:Background:Crystal Blue

Option : AlterVchOnEnter : Yes

Use:uni date field
Set as : $Date
Format : "DD/MMM/YYYY"
Width : 12
Style : tiny
Border : Thin Left Right
Align : Left

Use : Name Field
Set as:If $$IsPurchase:$VoucherTypeName then $AllInventoryEntries.AccountingAllocations.LedgerName else If $$IsCreditNote:$VoucherTypeName then $AllInventoryEntries.AccountingAllocations.LedgerName else $$LocaleString:$AllLedgerEntries[1].LedgerName
Width : 39
Style : tiny
Border : Thin right

Set As : $VoucherNumber
Width : 10
Align : center
Style : tiny
border : thin right

Use : Name Field
Set as : If $$IsPayment:$VoucherTypeName then $AllLedgerEntries[-1].BankAllocations.INSTRUMENTNUMBER +
else If $$IsContra:$VoucherTypeName then $AllLedgerEntries[-2].BankAllocations.INSTRUMENTNUMBER +
else If $$IsReceipt:$VoucherTypeName then $AllLedgerEntries[-1].BankAllocations.InstrumentNumber +
else If $$IsPurchase:$VoucherTypeName then $Reference +
Else $AllLedgerEntries.BankAllocations.InstrumentNumbers +$VoucherNumber
Width : 8
Style : tiny
Border : Thin right

Use : Name Field
Set as : $VoucherTypeName
Width : 10
Style : tiny
Border : Thin right

Use : Amount Field
Set as : $$AsCrAmt:$TotLedCrAmt
Width : 16
Full Width : Yes
Style : tiny
Border : Thin right
Space Right:1

[Collection : LWTTlbalcollL]
Use : Total Ledger Vouchers
Aggr Compute : VchDrTotal : Sum : $$OrigVchLedDrTotal:#LedgerName
Filter : FilterDspVchDrAmt
[Collection : LWTTInfoRColl]
Use : Total Ledger Vouchers
Aggr Compute : VchCrTotal : Sum : $$OrigVchLedCrTotal:#LedgerName
Filter : FilterDspVchCrAmt
FilterDspVchDrAmt: NOT $$IsEmpty:$TotLedDrAmt AND (NOT @@ShowForex OR NOT $$IsBaseCurrency:$TotLedDrAmt)
FilterDspVchCrAmt: NOT $$IsEmpty:$TotLedCrAmt AND (NOT @@ShowForex OR NOT $$IsBaseCurrency:$TotLedCrAmt)

[Collection: Total Ledger Vouchers]
Type : Vouchers : Ledger
Child of : ##pvsLedgerName
ParmVAR : pvsLedgerName : String : #LedgerName
Sort : @@InCreasing: -$TBSort,$IsForexLine, $Date

Fetch : AllLedgerEntries.LedgerName, AllLedgerEntries.Amount
Fetch : AllLedgerEntries.BankAllocations.*
Fetch : Date, VoucherTypeName, VoucherNumber,Narration,Reference

Compute : TotalLedDLWRVCHAmt : If NOT ##InNewPages Then $$OrigVchLedDrTotal:#LedgerName else $$OrigVchLedDrTotal:#LedgerName
Compute : TotalLedCLWRVCHAmt : If NOT ##InNewPages Then $$OrigVchLedCrTotal:#LedgerName else $$OrigVchLedCrTotal:#LedgerName
Compute : TotLedDrAmt : $$OrigVchLedDrTotal:#LedgerName
Compute : TotLedCrAmt : $$OrigVchLedCrTotal:#LedgerName

Manual Books TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • Goto the ledger statements to see Khata Type Books.
  • You can change Period and other things by provided button.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Manual Books TDL Video:

See the below video to learn how to use Manual Books or Khata Bahi TDL in Tally Prime:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to add own details in Tally TDL
  • How to create TDL file.
  • How to change in Codes.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\Manual Books.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Manual Books TDL file for Tally Prime is ready to use.

The Manual Books TDL for Tally Prime seamlessly marries the classic charm of Khata Books with the efficiency of modern accounting software. Its ability to customize Tally Ledgers

HSN SAC Code List at Entry Time TDL

2023 Popular HSN SAC Code List at Entry Time TDL for Tally Prime

This Popular HSN SAC Code List at Entry Time TDL for Tally Prime will provide you HSN description and HSN code List at Ledger and item Creation Time. Correctly assigning HSN (Harmonized System of Nomenclature) and SAC (Service Accounting Code) codes is a crucial aspect of GST compliance.

Now, with this Free Tally Prime TDL code can add HSN/SAC Table in Ledger and Item creation and alter screen of Tally Prime. You can add and manage HSN codes and descriptions list according to your business and integrate directly in Tally Prime.

This revolutionary tool simplifies the process, ensuring accurate classification of goods and services. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of this TDL and how it empowers you to take control of your HSN/SAC codes in Tally Prime.

HSN SAC Code List at Entry Time TDL:

Take full control of your HSN and SAC codes by adding, editing, and organizing them directly within Tally Prime with this HSN SAC Code List at Entry Time TDL. Access the Custom HSN/SAC Table within Tally Prime Ledger and Item Creation and Alter Screen to add, edit, or manage your HSN and SAC codes and descriptions.

Also Checkout Online GST Details Tracker Tool

HSN SAC Code List at Entry Time TDL

HSN SAC Code List at Entry Time TDL Code for Tally Prime:

    Show Table:On Empty

    Data Source:File XML :"C:\Users\ssonu\OneDrive\Desktop\HSN\HSN.xml"
    XML Object Path:DATA:1:ROOT
    Client Only:Yes

Title:$$LocaleString:"HSN Code List"
Source Collection:LearnwellHSNCode
Fetch :Hsn,Desc

HSN SAC Code List at Entry Time TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file or Click on Above Download Button.
  • Extract downloaded Zip folder and Change XML file Path in TDL Code.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • Goto create Ledger or Stock item, you will find HSN filed with HSN code and Description.
  • You can search HSN or SAC details by typing HSN/SAC code or Description.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

HSN SAC Code List at Entry Time TDL Video:

See the below video to learn how to create Tally TDL file and how to add HSN XML in Code and How to use HSN SAC TDL in Tally:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to add own details in Tally TDL
  • How to create TDL file.
  • How to Add XML code in TDL Code.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\HSN.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your HSN/SAC Tracker TDL file for Tally Prime is ready to use.

The Custom HSN/SAC Table TDL for Tally Prime is a game-changer for businesses striving for seamless and accurate GST compliance. Its ability to manage HSN and SAC codes directly within Tally Prime not only ensures accuracy but also saves valuable time and resources.

Online GST Details Tracker

2023 Free Amazing Online GST Details Tracker Direct from Portal

With this Amazing Online GST Details Tracker Direct from Portal, can track Party GST Numbers and Get all details direct from GST Portal and also can track HSN details.

Managing GST details and HSN codes can be a time-consuming process, but what if there was a way to streamline it? Introducing the Online GST Details Tracker directly from the GST portal. This incredible tool empowers businesses to effortlessly track party GST numbers and access all necessary details directly from the GST portal through API. Additionally, it enables easy monitoring of HSN details, to find correct HSN.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the significance of this tool and how it can revolutionize your GST compliance process.

Online GST Details Tracker:

Access party GST details and HSN codes directly from the GST portal in real-time, ensuring accuracy and up-to-date information.

Online GST Details Tracker

Also Checkout Extra column in Voucher TDL

How to Use Online GST Details Tracker Tool:

Download Online GST Details Tracker from above download link and follow below steps:

  1. Open Online GST Details Tracker Macro workbook.
  2. Enable Macro (How to enable Macro in Excel)
  3. In GST Details Sheet fill GST numbers in column A and Press Get Details Button
  4. In HSN Details Sheet fill HSN Codes to get HSN description

Note: If details not getting then GST Number and HSN code are incorrect. When processing data by clicking on button your internet should be connect.

Watch the below video for More Details:

How to use GST Video:

How to use HSN Video:

The Online GST Details Tracker is a game-changer for businesses striving for seamless and accurate GST compliance. Its ability to retrieve information directly from the portal not only ensures accuracy but also saves valuable time and resources.

By incorporating this powerful tool into your GST management process, you can revolutionize your compliance efforts and stay on top of your financial responsibilities.

Extra Column in Voucher TDL

2023 Free Extra Column in Voucher TDL

Extra Column in Voucher TDL will help you to add your own column, your fields in voucher.

Tally, a renowned accounting software, understands this need for adaptability. With the Extra Column in Voucher TDL (Tally Definition Language), you now have the power to incorporate additional fields directly into your vouchers.

This blog post will explore the significance of this TDL and how it can revolutionize your Tally experience.

Extra Column in Voucher TDL:

Now modify voucher yourself. Add your own extra column with total in a voucher. With this Tally Prime TDL code we can add our own extra column in voucher, that will help to add commission in voucher, brokerage in voucher or other Item related information.

Also checkout Alternate Unit Quantity Totals in Voucher and Invoice Print

Extra Column in Voucher TDL
[#Line: EI ColumnOne]
Add: Right Field: Before:VCH QtyTitle :LWCommission
Use: Name Field
Set as: "Commission"
Width: 8
Skip: Yes
Invisible : @@IsPurchase

[#Part: EI InvInfo]
[#Line: EI InvInfo]
Add: Right Field: Before:VCH BilledQty:CommissionTotal
Use:Amount Field
Width: 10
Align: Right
Space Right: 5
Invisible : @@IsPurchase


[#Field: EI QtyTotal]
Add: Field: Before:EI BilledQtyTotal :LWCommtotal
Use : Amount Field
Set as : $$Total:CommissionTotal
Set Always:Yes

Extra Column in Voucher TDL with Total:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • Goto voucher for invoicing.
  • You can add your own column and can see total of that field.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Extra Column in Voucher TDL with Total Video:

See the below video to learn how to create Tally TDL file and how to add own column in Tally Voucher :

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to add own details in Tally TDL
  • How to create TDL file.
  • How to Add Tally Column in Voucher
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\column.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your modified voucher with extra column for Tally Prime is ready to use.

The Extra Column in Voucher TDL for Tally is a game-changer for businesses seeking to enhance their voucher customization capabilities.

Alternate Unit Quantity Total TDL

Amazing Alternate Unit Quantity Total TDL Code

Alternate Unit Quantity Total TDL will help to add Total of Alternate Unit Quantity.

Every entry, every calculation holds significance. This ingenious Tally TDL allows you to take control of your vouchers, enabling the addition of alternate unit quantity totals alongside the default quantity total.

In this blog post, with the help of Alternate Unit Quantity Total TDL Code, we will add alternate quantity total in voucher and also in invoice print.

Alternate Unit Quantity Total TDL:

Reports generated from Tally Prime will now include both default and alternate unit quantities, providing a more comprehensive overview of your business operations.

Also checkout Tally TDL to Deactivate Duplicate and Wrong Ledgers and Stock Items

Alternate Unit Quantity Total TDL
[#Field: EI QtyTotal]
Add: Field: After:EI BilledQtyTotal :AltTotal

Use : Name Field
Align : Right
Width : @@VCHQtyWidth
Style : Small Italic
Set as : "( " + $$String:$LearnwellTotal:Symbol,ShortForm,Secondary + " )"
Set always : Yes
Skip : Yes
Inactive : $$IsEnd:$StockItemName OR @@NoAltUnits
Border : Totals

[ System : Formula ]
LearnwellTotal: $$Owner:$$CollQtyTotal:InventoryEntries:$BilledQty

Alternate Unit Quantity Total TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally (Method provided below the code)
  • Goto voucher for invoicing.
  • You can see total of Alternate quantity and also can see in Invoice Print.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Alternate Unit Quantity Total TDL Video:

See the below video to learn how to create Tally TDL file and how to Get Total Value of Column in Tally :

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to add own details in Tally TDL
  • How to create TDL file.
  • How to Add total in Tally Column
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\Totals.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Quantity Total Column added for Tally Prime is ready to use.

The Alternate Unit Quantity Total TDL for Tally Prime is a game-changer for businesses seeking to enhance their voucher customization capabilities.