Sometime when we want to know about stock items details like we search for bills that what was the rate, same for size, tax details etc.
But now with this Stock Item Tracker you can find everything related to stock details in one click.
It will become a true friend in your business. Now you will tension free in your business with this automatic excel Stock Item Tracker.
In this VBA Excel Macro enabled sheet you will find details of item like Item Name, Number, HSN Code, Tax Rate, Group, Size, Unit, Godown, Batch, Purchase Rate, Sales Rate, Balance Quantity and Quantity Amount.
How to use the Sheet:
(Open the sheet – enable macro)
- Add Item Details:
First place you curser in first blank cell where you want to enter stock details.
For adding Item details click on Add item Details. Now a form will be open, enter your all required details in own fields that you want. Then press enter. Same you can enter all items.
2. Search Item Details
For search Item details enter keyword under heading section then press green color filter button. You will find that your all item details will filter with entered keyword details.
3. Clear Search
For clearing search details press blue color clear button. You will find that all your filter will be clear and shows all details again.
This sheet is enabled with VBA codings. If you have some knowledge about VBA you can modified it with your won and alos comment about your modified sheet that you created.
if you want to know about the coding, download this sheet open and Press F11. Now you will find all coding and user form related to this document.
For know more you can see the below video:
You can download by clicking with below button