Excel to Tally – Import Reconciled Bank Statement with Billwise Detail ☑️

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Bank reconciliations are most important factor for our business. Because without Bank reconciliation you can not know to how to utilise funds for your business. But when we reconcile the bank we get pending cheque amounts that issued to customers or gain by us. By this we can get exactly where we should use our funds. If you not reconcile banks, it will be reason to bounce of cheques and legal cases. 
Sometime when we reconcile bank statements in Tally, there is some possibilities of errors and wasting your precious time.
But by this Excel to Tally software you can import your bank statements from Excel software to Tally software with all reconciliation details like chq no. , chq date, bank date etc. and you not required reconcile your bank separately, because it reconcile your bank directly and match your bank balances.
Also your entries will made with bill wise details of customers. You can also maintain customers ledgers with billwise details.
 You can also import all type Tally vouchers along with masters via this software.
It is very useful for accounting. You can download it from this link : –  http://imojo.in/bvdqa4

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