Check Spelling Instantly

Check Spelling Instantly | Spell Checking Excel VBA Code

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In this blog we will create Check Spelling Instantly tool with Spell Checking Excel VBA Code. There are occasionally spelling errors in the ledgers we produce in Tally or in the many accounts and ledgers we have previously made in Tally. It will affect our clients if we provide ledgers with incorrect spelling. Always verify the spelling in our books if you wish to conduct business properly.
The same issues will arise in presentations and other office tasks as well. These kinds of spelling errors are often present in all of our work, including Excel and Word documents. Therefore, I have an unique spelling checker for your projects today. This Excel VBA function allows us to check for any typing or spelling errors in our work.
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Turn on Excel’s developer if you wish to generate any VBA or macro files. Then use the Excel VBA Module to write your VBA code.

How to enable developer option of Excel:

To enable developer option of excel follow below steps:
1. Open Excel
2. On the File tab, go to Options > Customize Ribbon.
3. Under Customize the Ribbon and under Main Tabs, select the Developer check box.
To understand more, view the video up above.
After activating the developer tab, select Visual Basic from the developer tab in Excel. Additionally, you may construct a module in Visual Basic or open a sheet by clicking the sheet name.
Add the following VBA code to the module or to the visual basic sheet named:

VBA Code:

Sub checkspelling()
Dim sp As Range
For Each sp In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
If Not Application.checkspelling(word:=sp.Text) Then
sp.Interior.Color = vbRed
End If
Next sp
End Sub

After entering the aforementioned spelling checker code in the VBA module, save your excel file with the xlsb or xlsm extension.

A macro button in the sheet may also be used to use code immediately.

After completing the aforementioned steps, paste your data into an Excel sheet and use the button or VBA module to run a spelling checker.
It will be highlighted in red if you used incorrect spelling. Now you can change the incorrect spellings in all of your projects.
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