Bank Daybook

Bank Daybook

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Every business maintain bank, and if we do accounting in Tally Software we all need this TDL file.
TDL (Tally Definition Language) files used to modify Tally Software according to your uses. TDL files are very useful to simplify your work.

With this TDL you can see your bank daybook with narration and its cheque number.Also can edit at a time.It is very nice TDL file for Tally and must have tdl for tally.

[#Menu : Gateway of Tally] Add : Item : Bank Daybook : Display : BankDaybookd [Report:BankDaybookd] Use : DSP Template Set : SVfromDate :##SVfromDate Set : GroupName : ##GroupName Variable : IsMultiPage, InNewPages Set : IsMultiPage : yes Set : InNewPages : yes Set : SVToDate : ##SVCurrentdate Set : SVfromDate : $BooksFrom:Company-:##SVCurrentCompany Variable : BankName : string Set : BankName : “” [Form: BankDaybookd] Button : PrintButton, ExportButton, F2 ChangePeriod, SelectBank Parts :LWBnkDetails, BankLDetails Height : 100% screen Width : 100% screen Background : Light Surf Green [Button : SelectBank] Title : “Select Bank” Key : Alt + B Action : Alter : BankSelection [Report : BankSelection] Form :BankSelection ;Title : BankSelection” [Form : BankSelection] Parts : BankSelection Option : Small Size Form Full Width : No Space Left : 0.5 Space Right : 0.5 [Part : BankSelection] Lines : Form SubTitle, BankSelection Local : Field : Form SubTitle : Info : “Bank Selection” [Line : BankSelection] Fields : Long Prompt, BankSelection Local : Field : Long Prompt : Set as : $$String:”Bank Selection:” Local : Field : Default : width: 15 [Field : BankSelection] Use : Name field Table : BankAccounts, End of List Show Table : Always Sort : Yes Modifies : BankName :Yes Variable :BankName [Variable:BankName] Type : String Persistent : Yes [System:Variables] BankName:”” [Collection : BanknameColl] Type : Ledger Include : Group:$$GroupBank, Group:$$GroupBankOD Belongsto : yes Format : $BankName, 15 Fetch : Name Title : “List of Bank” FullHeight : No Filter: Filterbank [System: Formulae] Filterbank:$Ledgername = ##BankName or $$IsSysName:##BankName Filterbank:$IsBelongsTo:$$GroupBank OR $$IsBelongsTo:$$GroupBankOD [Part:LWBnkDetails] Line: LWBnkDetails Name, LWStts [Line:LWBnkDetails Name] Field: Form Sub Title Local : Field : Form Sub Title : Set as : @@CmpMailName Local : Field : Form Sub Title : Align : Center Local : Field : Form Sub Title : Fullwidth : yes Local : Field : Form Sub Title : Color : Blue Local : Field : Form Sub Title : Border: Thin Bottom Local : Field : Form Sub Title : Style: Large Bold Italic Space Bottom:0.2 [Line : LWStts] Field:LWStts Space Bottom:0.2 [Field:LWStts] Use :Name field Set as : $$LocaleString:”Period ” + $$String:##SVFromDate + ” to ” + $$String:##SVToDate Align : Center Full Width : Yes Color :Black Style :Small bold Italic Background : Light Surf Green [Part: BankLDetails] Lines : BnkTts, BnkLns, Repeat : BnkLns : paymentColl CommonBorder: Yes Scroll : Vertical Border : Thin Bottom [Line : BnkTts] Use : BnkLns Local : Field : Default : Color : Black Local : Field : Default : Background : Light Grey Local : Field : Default : Type : String Local : Field : Default : Align : Centre Local : Field : Default : Line : 0 Local : Field : LWvchDt : Set as : “Vch Date” Local : Field : LWldNm : Set as : “Particulars” Local : Field : LWLptm : Set as : “Naration” Local : Field : LWChqno : Set as : “Cheque No.” Local : Field : LWDramt : Set as : “Withdrawl.” Local : Field : LWCramt : Set as : “Deposit” Border : column Titles [Line: BnkLns] Fields : LWvchDt, LWldNm, LWLptm, Right Fields : LWChqno ,LWDramt, LWCramt Option : AlterOnEnter [Field:LWvchDt] Use : Short Date Field Set as : $Date Format : Short Date, Separator:”-” Border : Thin Left Width : 8 Align : Right Alter : Voucher : $$IsVoucher [Field:LWldNm] Use : Name Field Set As : $AllLedgerEntries[1].LedgerName Border : Thin Left full width:Yes Align : left [Field :LWLptm] Use : Name Field Set as : $Narration Border : Thin Left Width : 30 Align : left [Field:LWChqno] Use : Name Field Set As : $AllLedgerEntries[-1].BankAllocations.InstrumentNumber Border : Thin Left Width :15 Align : Right [Field:LWDramt] Use : Amount Field Set as : If $$IsDr:$Amount then $Amount else “” Format : “Cr/Dr” Border : Thin Left Width :15 Align : Right [Field:LWCramt] Use : Amount Field Set as : If not $$IsDr:$Amount then $Amount else “” Format : “Cr/Dr” Border : Thin Left Width :15 Align : Right [Collection:paymentColl] Type : Vouchers : Ledger Child Of:##BankName belongs to : Yes Fetch : Date, Vouchernumber, VoucherTypeName, Amount, MasterID, LedgerName, Parent,ParentFullLis, Narration, LWDramt, LWCramt Compute:DrAmt:If $$IsDr:$Amount then $Amount else “” Compute:CrAmt:If not $$IsDr:$Amount then $Amount else “” Filter:MYVCH Sort : Default : $Date, $LedgerName [System : Formula] MYVCH:$$IsPayment:$VoucherTypeName or $$IsReceipt:$VoucherTypeName or $$IsContra:$VoucherTypeName


1. Copy the code and paste in a Text file.
2. Save the text file into your computer.
3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:UsersHPDesktoprecParty Detail.txt)
4. Open Tally ERP9 
5. Press F12 and goto Product and Features
5. Press F4 (to open a Box)
6. Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
7. Paste The path in blank space
8. Press enter and save 

Now your TDL is ready to use.

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