Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL

2024 New GST Details in Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL | GST, Address, Mobile, HSN, Item Tax Rate in Movement Analysis Tally Prime

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In this post we will add GST Details in Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL that will help to track customer details along with there GST Number, Address and Mobile Number. We also add Stock Item GST details like GST Rate and HSN code.

Movement Analysis in Tally Prime plays a pivotal role in understanding the movement of goods, tracking stock transfers, and analyzing sales and purchases.

GST Details in Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL:

By incorporating GST details within Movement Analysis, businesses can streamline their GST-related processes, ensuring compliance and facilitating seamless transactions.

Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL

How to Access Movement Analysis in Tally Prime:

Movement analysis report is used for comparative studies. They give an insight into the flow characteristics of the stock in an organization. It also helps in finding out the slow moving items which cause blockages in the flow of the working capital of the organization.

● Go to Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statement of Inventory > Movement Analysis .

Also Read How to Access Movement Analysis Reports in Tally Prime

Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL Code:


[Field: LWMA]
Use:Small Size Field
Set as:"GSTIN: " + $PartyGSTIN + " | Address: " + $$FullList:Address:$Address + "  | Mobile: " + $LedgerMobile
[#Line:STK AnalLine]

Use:Name Field
Set as:"GSTIN: " + $$String:$GstDetails[Last].STATEWISEDETAILS[1].RateDetails[1, @@IsIGST].GSTRate + "%" + "  | HSN: " + $$String:$HSNDetails[Last].HSNCode

Movement Analysis Tally Prime TDL:

  • Copy above TDL code and create a text file.
  • Save text file and load in Tally
  • Now go in Movement Analysis Report.
  • You can see additional details with ledgers and stock items.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally. Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use it for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

Movement-Analysis Tally Prime TDL Video:

See the below video to learn how to customize Reports in Tally Prime through TDL:

Watch above videos to learn :

  • How to use TDL files in Tally.
  • How to customize tally Reports through TDL.
  • How to access movementanalysis of Tally.
  • How to add GST details of Ledgers and Stock Items.
  • More videos related to free TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  • Get More TDL files on
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\MovementAnalysis.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Custom MovementAnalysis TDL for Tally Prime is ready to use.

Integrating GST details within Movement Analysis in Tally Prime using TDL empowers businesses to streamline their operations, enhance compliance, and facilitate smoother transactions. By customizing the software to incorporate these essential details, businesses can navigate the complexities of GST requirements with greater ease and efficiency.

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