Item complete details TDL

2022 Free Item complete details TDL for Tally Prime | Best free new Tally TDL to see Item All details | Item All in One details TDL

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With the help of this fantastic item complete details TDL, we can see and export an item’s whole detail list. I thus gave it the name Item All in One details TDL. We can extract every item information, including godown and opening balance, using this Tally TDL.

Friends, if we keep track of stock goods in Tally, we occasionally need to update GST, HSN, or any other item-specific information. We go through each item one at a time, open it, and then edit the information. In order to track our operations, we also create MIS reports or stock summary reports. To view all of the item’s details in one location, this Tally TDL will be quite helpful.

This TDL code may be changed to suit our needs. Working with Tally Erp9 and Tally Prime is fairly straightforward, and we may add or delete other fields as needed. The best short tdl code to view item complete details.

Item complete details TDL

Also see best way to do e commerce entries without any error

Item complete details TDL Code:

[#Menu:Gateway of Tally]
	Add:Key Item:before:@@locQuit:Item Report:L:Display:Item Report
[Report: Item Report]
Title : "Learnwell Items"
Form : StockItem_LWR
[Form: StockItem_LWR]
Button : ExportButton
Background : @@SV_BALANCESHEET
Part : StockItem_LWRHeading, StockItem_LWRBody
Width : 100 % Page
Height : 100 % Page
Space Bottom : 0.50
Space Left : 0.50
Space Right : 0.50
Space Top : 0.50
Vertical Align : Center
Horizontal Align : Center

[Part: StockItem_LWRHeading]


[Line: StockItem_LWRHeading]

Field: Name Field
Local: Field : Name Field : Set as : "Item All Detail"
Local: Field : Name Field : Style : Large Bold
Local: Field : Name Field : Align : Center
Local: Field : Name Field : Full Width : Yes
Local: Field : Name Field : Color : Blue
Local: Field : Name Field : Inactive : $$InExportMode
Local: Field : Name Field : Skip : Yes
Space Bottom : 0.25 cm

[Part: StockItem_LWRBody]

Line : StockItem_LWRTitle,StockItem_LWRDesc
Repeat : StockItem_LWRDesc : StockItemCollLW
Scroll : Both
Vertical : Yes
Common Border : yes
Float : No
Border : Thin Bottom

[Line: StockItem_LWRTitle]
Field : LWItemsrn, LWItemName
Right Field : LWItemAlias,LWItemPrn,LWItemGRP,LWItemCTGR,LWItemUOM
Right Field :LWItemHSN,LWItemRAte,LWItemCessRT,LWItemOPQ,LWItemOPR,LWItemOPAM,LWItemGod,LWItemGodQT,LWItemGodRT,LWItemGodAmt

Border : Totals

Local : Field : Default : Type : String
Local : Field : Default : Align : Center
Local : Field : Default : Border : Thin Left
Local : Field : Default : Style : Large Bold
Local : Field : Default : Skip : Yes
Local : Field : Default : Line : 2

Local : Field : LWItemsrn : Set as : $$LocaleString:"SL NO."
Local : Field : LWItemName : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Item Name"
Local : Field : LWItemAlias : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Item Alias"
Local : Field : LWItemPrn : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Part No."
Local : Field : LWItemGRP : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Stock Group"
Local : Field : LWItemCTGR : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Stock Category"
Local : Field : LWItemUOM : Set as : $$LocaleString:"UOM"
Local : Field : LWItemHSN : Set as : $$LocaleString:"HSN"
Local : Field : LWItemRAte : Set as : $$LocaleString:"IGST Rate"
Local : Field : LWItemCessRT : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Cess Rate"
Local : Field : LWItemGod : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Godown Name"
Local : Field : LWItemGodQT : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Quantity"
Local : Field : LWItemGodRT : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Rate"
Local : Field : LWItemGodAmt : Set as : $$LocaleString:"Amount"
Local : Field : LWItemOPQ: Set as : $$LocaleString:"Total Op Qty"
Local : Field : LWItemOPR: Set as : $$LocaleString:"Total Op Rate"
Local : Field : LWItemOPAM: Set as : $$LocaleString:"Total Op Value"

Field : LWItemsrn, LWItemName
Right Field : LWItemAlias,LWItemPrn,LWItemGRP,LWItemCTGR,LWItemUOM
Right Field :LWItemHSN,LWItemRAte,LWItemCessRT,LWItemOPQ,LWItemOPR,LWItemOPAM,LWItemGod,LWItemGodQT,LWItemGodRT,LWItemGodAmt
Local : Field : Default : Style : Normal
Explode : LedDup_LWRDescExp1
Border : Thin TopBottom
Option : Alter on Enter

[Part : LedDup_LWRDescExp1]
Line : LedDup_LWRDescExp1
Repeat : LedDup_LWRDescExp1:StockGodLW

[Line : LedDup_LWRDescExp1]
Field : LWItemsrn, LWItemName
Right Field : LWItemAlias,LWItemPrn,LWItemGRP,LWItemCTGR,LWItemUOM
Right Field :LWItemHSN,LWItemRAte,LWItemCessRT,LWItemOPQ,LWItemOPR,LWItemOPAM,LWItemGod,LWItemGodQT,LWItemGodRT,LWItemGodAmt
Local : Field : Default : Type : String
Local : Field : Default : Align : Center
Local : Field : Default : Border : Thin Left
Local : Field : Default : Line : 0
Local : Field : Default : Skip : Yes
Local : Field : LWItemsrn : Set as : ""
Local : Field : LWItemName : Set as : ""
Local : Field : LWItemAlias : Set as : ""
Local : Field : LWItemPrn : Set as : ""
Local : Field : LWItemGRP : Set as : ""
Local : Field : LWItemCTGR : Set as : ""
Local : Field : LWItemUOM : Set as : ""
Local : Field : LWItemHSN : Set as : ""
Local : Field : LWItemRAte : Set as : ""
Local : Field : LWItemCessRT : Set as : ""
Local : Field : LWItemGod : Set as : $GodownName
Local : Field : LWItemGodQT : Set as : $OpeningBalance
Local : Field : LWItemGodRT : Set as : $OpeningRate
Local : Field : LWItemGodAmt : Set as : $OpeningValue
Local : Field : LWItemOPQ : Set as : ""
Local : Field : LWItemOPR : Set as : ""
Local : Field : LWItemOPAM : Set as : ""
Empty : $$ExplodeOwner:#Stockitem_Godwon1=$GodownName
Option : Alter on Enter

[Field : LWItemsrn]
Use : Number Field
Set as : $$Line
Width : 8
Format : "NoZero"
Alter : StockItem

[Field : LWItemName]
Use : Name Field
Set as : $Name
Full Width : Yes

Use : Name Field
Set as : $OnlyAlias
width : 15

Use : Name Field
Set as : $PartNo
width : 15
Align : Center

[Field : LWItemGRP]

Use : Name Field
Set as : $Parent
Width : 15

Use : Name Field
Set as : $Category
Width : 15

Use : Name Field
Set as : $BaseUnits
width : 8
Align : Center

[Field: LWItemHSN]
Use : Name Field
Set as : If $$IsEmpty:##vGSTMstCode Then @lfFieldVal Else ##vGSTMstCode
lfFieldVal : If $$IsEmpty:$GSTDetails[Last].HSNCode Then "" Else $GSTDetails[Last].HSNCode
Width : 15
Align : Center

[Field: LWItemRAte]
USE:Simple Field
Set as:$(StockItem, $Name).GstDetails[Last].STATEWISEDETAILS[1].RateDetails[1, @@IsIGST].GSTRate
Width : 8
Style : Normal

[Field: LWItemCessRT]
USE:Simple Field
Set as:$(StockItem, $Name).GstDetails[Last].STATEWISEDETAILS[1].RateDetails[1, @@IsCess].CessRate
Width : 8
Style : Normal

[Field: LWItemGod]
Use : Name Field
Set as : ""
Width : 15

[Field: LWItemGodQT]
Use : Qty Primary Field
Set as : ""
Width : 15

[Field: LWItemGodRT]
Use : Rate Price Field
Set as : ""
Width : 15

[Field: LWItemGodAmt]
Use : Amount Field
Set as : ""
Width : 15
Border : Thin Right

[Field: LWItemOPQ]
Use : Simple Field
Set as :$OpeningBalance
Width : 15
Border : Thin Right
[Field: LWItemOPR]
Use : Simple Field
Set as :$OpeningRate
Width : 15
Border : Thin Right
[Field: LWItemOPAM]
Use : Simple Field
Set as :$OpeningValue
Width : 15
Border : Thin Right

[Collection : StockItemCollLW]
Title : "Stock Item"
Type : Stock Item
Child Of : ##ItemGroupTable
Belongs To : Yes

[Collection : StockGodLW]
Type : Batch
Child of : #LWItemName
Fetch : GodownName,Name,OpeningBalance
Fetch : OpeningValue, StkClBalance, TBalClosing, StkOpBalance, TBalOpening, TBalCredits, StkOutQty, StkInQty, TBalDebits
Fetch : ClosingRate,BSDebits,StockItemName, TBalNettCredits
Compute : IsEmptyObject : $$IsEmptyObject
Compute : IsWithItems : Yes
Compute : HasMfgDate : $$Owner:$HasMfgDate
Compute : IsPerishableOn: $$Owner:$IsPerishableOn
Sort : @@Default : $BatchName, $GodownName
Filter : IsNotThirdPartiesGodown

How to use Item All in One details TDL code:

  • Copy above TDL code and make a text file.
  • Save text file then load in Tally Prime (Method provided below the code)
  • Now you will find item report tab in Tally main screen (Gateway of Tally).
  • Here you can see item all details with godown and opening etc.

This is best free TDL to have in your Tally . Must have TDL file for Tally ERP9 and Tally Prime that can use for lifetime. This free TDL Code will perfectly work with Tally Prime.

How to use Item All details TDL file video:

Watch above video to learn :

  • How to use TDL file in Tally Prime.
  • How to see item report in Tally.
  • More TDL files on youtube/learnwell
  1. Make a Text file of above code
  2. Save it in to your computer
  3. Copy the text file path including Name and extension (as – C:\Users\HP\Desktop\rec\Item report.txt)
  4. Open Tally Prime Software
  5. Click on Help and click on TDL & Addon  (for Tally Prime)
  6. Press F4 (to open a Box)
  7. Set Load TDL file on Startup – Yes
  8. Paste The path in blank space
  9. Press enter and save
  10. Now your Item complete details TDL is ready to use
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